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Q9. - (Topic 3) 

When starting a program with the nice command without any additional parameters, which nice level is set for the resulting process? 

A. -10 

B. 0 

C. 10 

D. 20 


Q10. - (Topic 3) 

Which of the following commands will NOT update the modify timestamp on the file /tmp/myfile.txt? 

A. file /tmp/myfile.txt 

B. echo "Hello" >/tmp/myfile.txt 

C. sed -ie "s/1/2/" /tmp/myfile.txt 

D. echo -n "Hello" >>/tmp/myfile.txt 

E. touch /tmp/myfile.txt 


Q11. - (Topic 4) 

Which of the following commands changes the ownership of file.txt to the user dan and the group staff? 

A. chown dan/staff file.txt 

B. chown dan:staff file.txt 

C. chown -u dan -g staff file.txt 

D. chown dan -g staff file.txt 


Q12. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 3) 

Which command displays a list of all background tasks running in the current shell? (Specify ONLY the command without any path or parameters.) 

Answer: jobs 

Q13. - (Topic 4) 

After running the command umount /mnt, the following error message is displayed: 

umount: /mnt: device is busy. 

What is a common reason for this message? 

A. The kernel has not finished flushing disk writes to the mounted device. 

B. A user has a file open in the /mnt directory. 

C. Another file system still contains a symlink to a file inside /mnt. 

D. The files in /mnt have been scanned and added to the locate database. 

E. The kernel thinks that a process is about to open a file in /mnt for reading. 


Q14. - (Topic 3) 

In a nested directory structure, which find command line option would be used to restrict the command to searching down a particular number of subdirectories? 

A. -dirmax 

B. -maxdepth 

C. -maxlevels 

D. -n 

E. -s 


Q15. - (Topic 3) 

What does the ? symbol within regular expressions represent? 

A. Match the preceding qualifier one or more times. 

B. Match the preceding qualifier zero or more times. 

C. Match the preceding qualifier zero or one times. 

D. Match a literal ? character. 


Q16. - (Topic 3) 

What is the default nice level when a process is started using the nice command? 

A. -10 

B. 10 

C. 20 D. 0 
