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Q11. - (Topic 3) 

Which of the following fields are available in both the global /etc/crontab file as well as in user-specific crontab files? (Select TWO correct answers) 

A. Year 

B. Minute 

C. Username 

D. Command 

Answer: B,D 

Q12. - (Topic 2) 

For accessibility assistance, which of the following programs is an on-screen keyboard? 

A. xkb 

B. atkb 


D. xOSK 


Q13. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 3) 

Which command is used to add an empty group to the system? (Specify ONLY the command without any path or parameters.) 

Answer: groupadd, /usr/sbin/groupadd 

Q14. - (Topic 5) 

Which of the following statements is valid in the file /etc/nsswitch.conf? 

A. multi on 

B. dns-server 

C. hosts: files dns 

D. include /etc/nsswitch.d/ 


Q15. - (Topic 4) 

Which of the following parameters are used for journalctl to limit the time frame of the output? (Choose TWO correct answers.) 

A. --from= 

B. --since= 

C. --until= 

D. --upto= 

E. --date= 

Answer: B,C 

Q16. - (Topic 4) 

What is true about the ntpdate command? 

A. It is the primary management command for the NTP time server. 

B. It updates the local system's date (i.e. day, month and year) but not the time (i.e. hours, minutes,seconds). 

C. It queries one or more NTP time servers and adjusts the system time accordingly. 

D. It sends the local system time to one or many remote NTP time servers for redistribution. 

E. It can be used by any user to set the user clock independently of the system clock. 


Q17. - (Topic 6) 

Which configuration file would be edited to change default options for the OpenSSH server? 

A. /etc/ssh/sshd_config 

B. /etc/ssh/ssh 

C. /etc/ssh/server 

D. /etc/ssh/ssh_config 

E. /etc/ssh/ssh_server 


Q18. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 4) 

After configuring printing on a Linux server, the administrator sends a test file to one of the printers and it fails to print. What command can be used to display the status of the printer's queue? (Specify ONLY the command without any path or parameters.) 

Answer: lpq, /usr/bin/lpq, lpstat, /usr/bin/lpstat 

Q19. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 6) 

The presence of what file will temporarily prevent all users except root from logging into the system? (Specify the full name of the file, including path.) 

Answer: /etc/nologin 

Q20. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 4) 

Which option in the /etc/ntp.conf file specifies an external NTP source to be queried for time information? (Specify ONLY the option without any values or parameters.) 

Answer: server