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Q11. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 2) 

Which Debian package management tool asks the configuration questions for a specific already installed package just as if the package were being installed for the first time? (Specify ONLY the command without any path or parameters.) 

Answer: dpkg-reconfigure 

Q12. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 3) 

Which signal is missing from the following command that is commonly used to instruct a daemon to reinitialize itself, including reading configuration files? 

killall -s _______ daemon 

Answer: HUP, SIGHUP, 1 

Q13. - (Topic 2) 

What can the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) be used for? (Choose THREE correct answers.) 

A. To create RAID 9 arrays. 

B. To dynamically change the size of logical volumes. 

C. To encrypt logical volumes. 

D. To create snapshots. 

E. To dynamically create or delete logical volumes. 

Answer: B,D,E 

Q14. - (Topic 3) 

What is the difference between the i and a commands of the vi editor? 

A. i (interactive) requires the user to explicitly switch between vi modes whereas a (automatic) switches modes automatically. 

B. i (insert) inserts text before the current cursor position whereas a (append) inserts text after the cursor. 

C. i (independent rows) starts every new line at the first character whereas a (aligned rows) keeps the indentation of the previous line. 

D. i (interrupt) temporarily suspends editing of a file to the background whereas a (abort) terminates editing. 


Q15. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 2) 

Which option to the yum command will update the entire system? (Specify ONLY the option name without any additional parameters.) 

Answer: update, upgrade 

Q16. - (Topic 1) 

Which of the following commands will write a message to the terminals of all logged in users? 

A. bcast 

B. mesg 

C. print 

D. wall 

E. yell 


Q17. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 3) 

Which Bash environment variable defines in which file the user history is stored when exiting a Bash process? (Specify ONLY the variable name.) 


Q18. - (Topic 1) 

What of the following statements are true regarding /dev/ when using udev? (Choose TWO correct answers.) 

A. Entries for all possible devices get created on boot even if those devices are not connected. 

B. Additional rules for udev can be created by adding them to /etc/udev/rules.d/. 

C. When using udev, it is not possible to create block or character devices in /dev/ using mknod. 

D. The /dev/ directory is a filesystem of type tmpfs and is mounted by udev during system startup. 

E. The content of /dev/ is stored in /etc/udev/dev and is restored during system startup. 

Answer: B,D 

Q19. - (Topic 3) 

Which of the following commands can be used to determine how long the system has been running? (Choose TWO correct answers.) 

A. uptime 

B. up 

C. top 

D. uname -u 

E. time –up 

Answer: A,C 

Q20. - (Topic 4) 

Which of the following commands shows the definition of a given shell command? 

A. where 

B. stat 

C. type 

D. case 
