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Q17. - (Topic 3)
In compliance with the FHS, in which of the directories are man pages found?
A. /usr/share/man
B. /opt/man
C. /usr/doc/
D. /var/pkg/man
E. /var/man
Answer: A
Q18. - (Topic 4)
In order to display all currently mounted filesystems, which of the following commands could be used? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
A. cat /proc/self/mounts
B. free
C. mount
D. lsmounts
E. cat /proc/filesystems
Answer: A,C
Q19. - (Topic 3)
Which of the following shell redirections will write standard output and standard error output to a file named filename?
A. 2>&1 >filename
B. >filename 2>&1
C. 1>&2>filename
D. >>filename
E. 1&2>filename
Answer: B
Q20. - (Topic 3)
Which shell command is used to continue background execution of a suspended command?
A. &
B. bg
C. cont
D. exec
E. :&
Answer: B
Q21. - (Topic 1)
During a system boot cycle, what program is executed after the BIOS completes its tasks?
A. The bootloader
B. The inetd program
C. The init program
D. The kernel
Answer: A
Q22. - (Topic 4)
Which of the following commands changes the number of days before the ext3 filesystem on /dev/sda1 has to run through a full filesystem check while booting?
A. tune2fs -d 200 /dev/sda1
B. tune2fs -c 200 /dev/sda1
C. tune2fs -i 200 /dev/sda1
D. tune2fs -n 200 /dev/sda1
E. tune2fs --days 200 /dev/sda1
Answer: C
Q23. - (Topic 1)
Which of the following commands will write a message to the terminals of all logged in users?
A. bcast
B. mesg
C. print
D. wall
E. yell
Answer: D
Q24. - (Topic 3)
What is the effect of the egrep command when the -v option is used?
A. It enables color to highlight matching parts.
B. It only outputs non-matching lines.
C. It shows the command's version information.
D. It changes the output order showing the last matching line first.
Answer: B