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Q25. - (Topic 4) 

Which of the following settings for umask ensures that new files have the default permissions -rw-r----- ? 

A. 0017 

B. 0640 

C. 0038 

D. 0027 


Q26. - (Topic 1) 

Which of the following commands reboots the system when using SysV init? (Choose TWO correct answers.) 

A. shutdown -r now 

B. shutdown -r "rebooting" 

C. telinit 6 

D. telinit 0 

E. shutdown -k now "rebooting" 

Answer: A,C 

Q27. - (Topic 3) 

What command will generate a list of user names from /etc/passwd along with their login shell? 

A. column -s : 1,7 /etc/passwd 

B. chop -c 1,7 /etc/passwd 

C. colrm 1,7 /etc/passwd 

D. cut -d: -f1,7 /etc/passwd 


Q28. - (Topic 3) 

What is the purpose of the Bash built-in export command? 

A. It allows disks to be mounted remotely. 

B. It runs a command as a process in a subshell. 

C. It makes the command history available to subshells. 

D. It sets up environment variables for applications. 

E. It shares NFS partitions for use by other systems on the network. 


Q29. - (Topic 4) 

After moving data to a new filesystem, how can the former path of the data be kept intact in order to avoid reconfiguration of existing applications? (Choose TWO correct answers.) 

A. By creating an ACL redirection from the old to the new path of the data. 

B. By creating a hard link from the old to the new path of the data. 

C. By creating a symbolic link from the old to the new path of the data. 

D. By running the command touch on the old path. 

E. By mounting the new filesystem on the original path of the data. 

Answer: C,E 

Q30. - (Topic 1) 

Which of the following options for the kernel's command line changes the systemd boot target to rescue.target instead of the default target? 

A. systemd.target=rescue.target 

B. systemd.runlevel=rescue.target 

C. systemd.service=rescue.target 

D. systemd.default=rescue.target 

E. systemd.unit=rescue.target 


Q31. - (Topic 4) 

What is the purpose of the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard? 

A. It is a security model used to ensure files are organized according to their permissions and accessibility. 

B. It provides unified tools to create, maintain and manage multiple filesystems in a common way. 

C. It defines a common internal structure of inodes for all compliant filesystems. 

D. It is a distribution neutral description of locations of files and directories. 


Q32. - (Topic 3) 

Which grep command will print only the lines that do not end with a / in the file foo? 

A. grep '/$' foo 

B. grep '/#' foo 

C. grep -v '/$' foo 

D. grep -v '/#' foo 
