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Q49. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 4) 

Please specify the top directory containing the configuration files for the CUPS printing system. (Specify the full path to the directory.) 

Answer: /etc/cups, /etc/cups/ 

Q50. - (Topic 5) 

What is the purpose of the nsswitch.conf file? 

A. It is used to configure where the C library looks for system information such as host names and user passwords. 

B. It is used to configure network protocol port numbers such as for HTTP or SMTP. 

C. It is used to configure LDAP authentication services for the local system. 

D. It is used to configure which network services will be turned on during the next system boot. 


Q51. - (Topic 1) 

What output will the command seq 10 produce? 

A. A continuous stream of numbers increasing in increments of 10 until stopped. 

B. The numbers 1 through 10 with one number per line. 

C. The numbers 0 through 9 with one number per line. 

D. The number 10 to standard output. 


Topic 2, User Interfaces and Desktops 

Q52. - (Topic 5) 

On a regular users workstation the route command takes a long time before printing out the routing table. Which of the following errors does that indicate? 

A. The local routing information may be corrupted and must be re-validated using a routing protocol. 

B. One of the routers in the routing table is not available which causes the automatic router failure detection mechanism (ARF-D) to wait for a timeout. 

C. There may accidentally be more than one default router in which case a default router election has to be done on the network in order to choose one router as the default. 

D. DNS resolution may not be working as route by default tries to resolve names of routers and destinations and may run into a timeout. 


Q53. - (Topic 4) 

What is true regarding the command sendmail? 

A. With any MTA, the sendmail command must be run periodically by the cron daemon. 

B. All MTAs, including Postfix and Exim, provide a sendmail command. 

C. The sendmail command prints the MTAs queue history of which mails have been sent successfully. 

D. It is only available when the sendmail MTA is installed. 


Q54. - (Topic 6) 

Which of the following commands preloads and manages keys that are used for automatic authentication while logging in to other machines using SSH? 

A. sshd 

B. ssh-agent 

C. ssh-keygen 

D. ssh-add 


Q55. - (Topic 1) 

Which of the following files, when existing, affect the behavior of the Bash shell? (Choose TWO correct answers.) 

A. ~/.bashconf 

B. ~/.bashrc 

C. ~/.bashdefaults 

D. ~/.bash_etc 

E. ~/.bash_profile 

Answer: B,E 

Q56. - (Topic 4) 

Which of the following are commonly used Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) applications? (Choose THREE correct answers.) 

A. Postfix 

B. Procmail 

C. Sendmail 

D. Exim 


Answer: A,C,D