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Q65. - (Topic 3) 

You are using SmartView Tracker to troubleshoot NAT entries. Which column do you check to view the NAT'd source port if you are using Source NAT? 

A. XlateDPort 

B. XlateSrc 

C. XlateDst 

D. XlateSPort 


Q66. - (Topic 3) 

Your company has two headquarters, one in London, one in New York. Each of the headquarters includes several branch offices. The branch offices only need to communicate with the headquarters in their country, not with each other, and the headquarters need to communicate directly. What is the BEST configuration for establishing VPN Communities among the branch offices and their headquarters, and between the two headquarters? VPN Communities comprised of: 

A. Three star Communities: The first one is between New York headquarters and its branches. The second star Community is between London headquarters and its branches. The third star Community is between New York and London headquarters but it is irrelevant which site is "center" and which "satellite". 

B. One star Community with the option to mesh the center of the star: New York and London Gateways added to the center of the star with the "mesh center Gateways" option checked; all London branch offices defined in one satellite window; but, all New York branch offices defined in another satellite window. 

C. Two mesh and one star Community: Each mesh Community is set up for each site between headquarters their branches. The star Community has New York as the center and London as its satellite. 

D. Three mesh Communities: one for London headquarters and its branches; one for New York headquarters and its branches; and one for London and New York headquarters. 


Q67. - (Topic 3) 

Which of the following are authentication methods that Security Gateway R77 uses to validate connection attempts? Select the response below that includes the MOST complete list of valid authentication methods. 

A. User, Client, Session 

B. Proxied, User, Dynamic, Session 

C. Connection, User, Client 

D. User, Proxied, Session 


Q68. - (Topic 1) 

Over the weekend, an Administrator without access to SmartDashboard installed a new R77 Security Gateway using GAiA. You want to confirm communication between the Gateway and the Management Server by installing the Security Policy. What might prevent you from installing the Policy? 

A. You first need to run the command fw unloadlocal on the new Security Gateway. 

B. You have not established Secure Internal Communications (SIC) between the Security Gateway and Management Server. You must initialize SIC on both the Security Gateway and the Management Server. 

C. You first need to initialize SIC in SmartUpdate. 

D. You have not established Secure Internal Communications (SIC) between the Security Gateway and Management Server. You must initialize SIC on the Security Management Server. 


22. - (Topic 1) 

How can you reset the Security Administrator password that was created during initial Security Management Server installation on SecurePlatform? 

A. Export the user database into an ASCII file with fwm dbexport. Open this file with an editor, and delete the Password portion of the file. Then log in to the account without a password. You will be prompted to assign a new password. 

B. Launch SmartDashboard in the User Management screen, and edit the cpconfig administrator. 

C. Type cpm -a, and provide the existing administrator's account name. Reset the Security Administrator's password. 

D. As expert user Type fwm -a, and provide the existing administrator's account name. Reset the Security Administrator's password. 


Q69. - (Topic 3) 

The User Directory Software Blade is used to integrate which of the following with Security Gateway R77? 

A. Account Management Client server 

B. RADIUS server 

C. LDAP server 

D. UserAuthority server 


Q70. - (Topic 3) 

Your company enforces a strict change control policy. Which of the following would be MOST effective for quickly dropping an attacker's specific active connection? 

A. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Policy install 

B. SAM - Suspicious Activity Rules feature of SmartView Monitor 

C. Block Intruder feature of SmartView Tracker 

D. Change the Rule Base and install the Policy to all Security Gateways 


Q71. - (Topic 1) 

Which of the following tools is used to generate a Security Gateway R77 configuration report? 

A. infoCP 

B. cpinfo 

C. infoview 

D. fw cpinfo 


Q72. - (Topic 3) 

You review this Security Policy because Rule 4 is inhibited. Which Rule is responsible? Exhibit: 

A. No rule inhibits Rule 4. 

B. Rule 1 

C. Rule 2 

D. Rule 3 
