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Q17. Jason is attempting to gain unauthorized access to a corporate server by running a program that enters passwords from a long list of possible passwords. Which type of attack is this?
A. Brute force
B. Denial of service
C. Botnet
D. Buffer overflow
Answer: A
Q18. Which of the following is the most likely first step to enable a server to recover from a denial-of- service attack in which all hard disk data is lost?
A. Enable virtualization
B. Contact the backup service
C. Contact a disk recovery service
D. Rebuild your RAID 0 array
Answer: B
Q19. At what layer of the OSI/RM does a packet filter operate?
A. Layer 1
B. Layer 3
C. Layer 5
D. Layer 7
Answer: B
Q20. Which of the following is the primary weakness of symmetric-key encryption?
A. Data encrypted using symmetric-key encryption is subject to corruption during transport.
B. Symmetric-key encryption operates slower than asymmetric-key encryption.
C. Symmetric-key encryption does not provide the service of data confidentiality.
D. Keys created using symmetric-key encryption are difficult to distribute securely.
Answer: D
Q21. Consider the following image of a packet capture:
This packet capture has recorded two types of attacks. Which choice lists both attack types?
A. A dictionary attack and a worm-basedattackA.A dictionary attack and a worm-based attack
B. Asyn flood attack and a spoofing attackB.A syn flood attack and a spoofing attack
C. A worm attack and abotnet attack C.A worm attack and a botnet attack
D. A SQL injection attack and a virusattackD.A SQL injection attack and a virus attack
Answer: B
Q22. Requests for Web-based resources have become unacceptably slow. You have been assigned to implement a solution that helps solve this problem. Which of the following would you recommend?
A. Enablestateful multi-layer inspection on the packet filter
B. Implement caching on the network proxy server
C. Enable authentication on the network proxy server
D. Implement a screening router on the network DMZ
Answer: B
Q23. The most popular types of proxy-oriented firewalls operate at which layer of the OSI/RM?
A. Application layer
B. Network layer
C. Session layer
D. Transport layer
Answer: A
Q24. You have discovered that the ls, su and ps commands no longer function as expected. They do not return information in a manner similar to any other Linux system. Also, the implementation of Tripwire you have installed on this server is returning new hash values. Which of the following has most likely occurred?
A. Atrojan has attacked the system.
B. A SQL injection attack has occurred.
C. A spyware application has been installed.
D. A root kit has been installed on the system.
Answer: D