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Q17. You received an e-mail message on which several other individuals were copied. You want to respond to this message in a way that will include everyone who was copied on the original message. You can accomplish this by using which action? 

A. Reply 

B. Reply All 

C. Forward 

D. Send 


Q18. Karen is the Webmaster for her company. Management would like to make the company’s intra net site more effective by providing links to internal HR forms for all employees to access. These forms are currently stored on the company s file server and are updated quarterly. For security reasons, the Web server does not allow linking to the company s file server. How should Karen create these links? 

A. Upload the forms to the Web server and create local relative links to the files. 

B. Upload the forms to the Web server and create local absolute links to the files. 

C. Upload the forms to the Web server and create external relative links to the files. 

D. Upload the forms to the Web server and create external absolute links to the files. 


Q19. Server-based networks typically contain centralized network resources, which are usually not available on peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Which of the following examples describes a server based network? 

A. Three network clients connecting to a file server 

B. Downloading a file by using Bit Torrent technology 

C. Sharing one or more files to another computer via the Internet 

D. A client connecting to another computer over the Internet to share music 


Q20. When developing a Web site, which of the following actions would be considered unethical? 

A. Borrowing music from another site with the owner’s written permission 

B. Creating new code that provides a look and feel similar to another site 

C. Linking your site to another site with permission 

D. Copying some code from another Web site 


Q21. Which type of intellectual property includes business plans, proprietary code and sales contracts? 

A. Copy left 

B. Copyright 

C. Trademark 

D. Trade secret 


Q22. Which is the preferred approach to communicate important action items in an e-mail message to a co-worker? 

A. Write the action items using all capital letters. 

B. List the action items in a numbered or bulleted list for clarity. 

C. Include emoticons to ensure the recipient understands your humor. 

D. Describe all action items at length in a detailed paragraph in the middle of the message. 


Q23. You have recently purchased a new wireless router. You would like to configure a name for your wireless network so that you can easily identify it when scanning available wireless networks. Which term describes this wireless network device name? 

A. Default gateway 

B. Wireless access point (AP) 

C. Access Point Identifier (API) 

D. Service Set Identifier (SSID) 


Q24. Which line of code uses the correct syntax to apply an external CSS style sheet to HTML documents? 

A. <link rel=stylesheet type=css href=syb/syb.css/> 

B. <style ref =stylesheet type=text/css href=syb/syb.css/> 

C. <style ref=“stylesheet” type=“css” href=“syb/syb.css”/> 

D. <link rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” href=“syb/syb .css”/> 
