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Q9. Andrea works as an Administrative Assistant for a small business that uses an SaaS service for accounting, sales orders and customer service information about the business’s customers. This product is similar to and its competitors. Andrea makes sure she saves accurate records about current projects and performs regular backups of the business data stored on the cloud-based service. Which of the following is the primary reason for this practice? 

A. If there is an interruption in Internet access, the service and records would not be accessible. 

B. There is a limit on the number of users who are allowed to access the cloud-based service at any one time. 

C. Data stored online through the cloud-based service is more at risk to security breaches than if it were stored locally. 

D. Andrea is overly cautious because it is well known that cloud-based services are highly secure, highly reliable and always available. 


Q10. Emelia and Lola have created a new software application that allows messaging site subscribers to analyze the message  statistics in order to more  easily asses and interact with followers. They have decided to license this software according to the GNU GPL Version 3. What does this license allow them to do with their software? 

A. They can only sell this software through a not-for-profit company. 

B. They can sell this software, but only if they make the software code available on a public server. 

C. The software enters the public domain for free use and can be altered by other programmers, who must then make their changes freely available as well. 

D. The software enters the public domain for free use, but any changes made in the future can be kept secret, allowing them to profitably sell the modified software. 


Q11. Which of the following is a legal and ethical practice? 

A. Copying someone else’s written work found on the Internet and presenting it as your own, as long as it is for schoolwork. 

B. Trying shareware for free and paying for it only after you decide to keep using it. 

C. Downloading copyrighted artwork and using it as a background on your Web site. 

D. Downloading music and motion pictures as long as they are from a peer-to-peer network. 


Q12. Which choice lists the required elements for HTTP to function? 

A. Server, HTML and DNS 

B. Client, server and TCP/IP 

C. Browser, HTML and TCP/IP 

D. Client, Web page and DNS 


Q13. Melanie works in the sales department at XYZ Company. She decides that her company’s marketing team has done a poor job representing the company’s brand. Without direction or permission, she starts her own social networking account to help. This account’s name is called XYZ Professional. To customize her page, she uses company logos and verbiage from the company Web site. She then begins communicating with customers and individuals interested in XYZ via this service. 

Which of the following would be the most appropriate response to Melanie’s actions by the company? 

A. Providing a link to Melanie’s page from the company’s official social networking account 

B. Sending Melanie a request from the company’s Human Resources department to stop using company logos, yet allowing her to continue using this social networking account 

C. Adding references to Melanie’s social networking page in the company’s internal newsletter 

D. Terminating Melanie’s employment for copyright and trademark violation, with a cease-anddesist letter asking for control of the account 


Q14. Which organization is responsible for managing domain names so that each one is unique, and (once registered) cannot be used by an unauthorized individual or organization? 


B. W3C 




Q15. Gabby suspects that an attacker has gained control of her system. Which of the following is the most appropriate action for her to take? 

A. Shut down the computer. 

B. Enable strong encryption on all files on the hard disk. 

C. Run anti-virus software on all disks associated with this system. 

D. Unplug the computer network cable and/or disable the computer’s wireless NIC. 


Q16. You have just checked the balance in your bank account by logging into your bank’s Web site. Which protocol was most likely used for the transmission of your information? 




