Cause all that matters here is passing the Oracle 1Z0-417 exam. Cause all that you need is a high score of 1Z0-417 Database Performance and Tuning Essentials 2015 exam. The only one thing you need to do is downloading Examcollection 1Z0-417 exam study guides now. We will not let you down with our money-back guarantee.

Q1. An Oracle Database customer's VP of Development mentions that they've moved to AGILE development methodology and DevOps requires an ability to view, test, or validate performance in their own development environment. Which two do you implement? 

A. Oracle Application Infrastructure Tester 

B. Oracle Application Testing Suite 

C. SQL Developer 

D. Oracle Real Application Testing 

E. APEX and SQL Developer 

F. Oracle Testing Pack 

Answer: B,D 

Q2. Which is used to preserve SQL execution plans of existing statements when moving from one version of the database to another? 

A. SQLHints 

B. Stored Outlines 

C. Stored Profiles 

D. SQL Plan Management 

E. SQL Profiles 



SQL statement, or migrate an existing stored outline by loading the "outlined" plan as a fixed plan. Reference: 

Q3. Identify four problems automatically diagnosed by Automatic Database Diagnostics Monitor (ADDM). 

A. log file sizing 

B. log buffer sizing 

C. log file problematic naming 

D. Mean Time to recover (MTTR) setting 

E. undersized SGA or PGA 

F. oversized SGA or PGA 

G. Less Time to recover (LTTR) setting 

Answer: D,E,F,G 

Q4. Which statement about Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Expressis correct? 

A. Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control must be configured first. 

B. The listener needs to be running for it to be accessed. 

C. A Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express WebLogic Server must be configured first. 

D. Oracle Internet Application Server needs to be installed to use it. 

E. Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express can be used only from a command-line. 


Reference: ed/ gettingstarted.htm 

Q5. When providing partition and index recommendations, which one would SQL Access Advisor source input from? 

A. SQL Tuning Advisor 

B. Automatic Workload Repository 

C. Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor 

D. SQL Tuning Set 


Q6. Which option would you use to capture workloads from one or more systems concurrently and then play them back? 

A. Automatic Workload Repository 

B. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 

C. Consolidated Database Replay 

D. Consolidation Planner 

E. Workload Consolidator and Playback 


Q7. Which issue can be avoided by configuring the PCTFREE parameter? 

A. row chaining and setting it has been superseded by Automatic Segment Space Management 

B. table fragmentation, and has been superseded by Automatic Storage Management 

C. column fragmentation 

D. sort operations on disk 

E. keeping a reserve area for backup 


Q8. Which are three practices that developers can use to enhance performance, scalability, and availability of Oracle Database-driven applications? 

A. Implement primary and foreign keys, enforce database integrity, joins, message queuing, maintenance ofsequencesoutside of the database. 

B. Use Big Data to hold everything into one big table. 

C. Maintain and analyze performance statistics using AWR and ADDM. 

D. Eliminate hot spots in applications, monitor, measure, and optimize SQL statement execution. 

E. Perform testing with Real Application Testing. 

Answer: A,C,E