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Q17. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 3)
What is the full path to the directory which contains the scripts (or links to the original scripts) to run while the system boots to SysV-init runlevel 2?
/etc/rc2.d, /etc/rc2.d/, /etc/init.d/rc2.d, /etc/init.d/rc2.d/
Q18. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 8)
When typing at the command line, the default editor is the ______ library.
Explanation: The default command line editor is the Readline library. As with most text editor programs, it allows certain keystrokes to aid in the writing/editing of a command. For example, there are keystroke combinations that allow you to jump to the beginning or end of the line, or to jump to the start or end of a previous word.
Q19. - (Topic 6)
Which of the following wireless tools can be used to check the wireless network link quality? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
A. iwconfig
B. iwlink
C. iwscan
D. iwifi
E. iw
Answer: A,E
Q20. - (Topic 7)
Which of the following commands will erase the contents of the /dev/sdb3 partition?
A. rm /dev/sdb3
B. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb3
C. dd of=/dev/zero if=/dev/sdb3
D. umount /dev/sdb3
Answer: B
Q21. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 8)
A variable that you can name and assign a value to is called a ______ variable.
Explanation: A user variable can be created and named and have a value assigned to it from the command line or from a script.
Q22. - (Topic 1)
Which commands below are useful to collect data about remote filesystem connections? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
A. pidstat
B. nfsiostat
C. sadf
D. cifsiostat
Answer: B,D
Q23. - (Topic 6)
What should be done after updating the configuration file for syslogd in order to make the changes become effective? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
A. No action is required, syslogd will notice the updated configuration file after a few minutes.
B. Send the HUP signal to the syslogd process.
C. Restart the syslogd service.
D. Run the command syslogd -u.
Answer: B,C
Q24. - (Topic 5)
What mount option must be used in /etc/fstab when mounting an iSCSI target?
A. _santarget
B. iscsi
C. waitiscsi
D. _netdev
Answer: D