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Q11. When modifying a vApp, which two vSphere entities can be added? (Choose two.) 

A. A resource pool 

B. A network pool 

C. A vApp 

D. A folder 

Answer: A,C 

Q12. An administrator is troubleshooting basic network connectivity issues. 

Which two scenarios are potential issues that this administrator might face? (Choose two.) 

A. The vSwitch is not attached to the correct physical network. 

B. The portgroup is not configured to use correct VLAN. 

C. Traffic shaping is configured incorrectly. 

D. Jumbo frames is configured incorrectly. 

Answer: A,B 

Q13. Which two actions are prerequisites to adding ESXi 6.x hosts to a vSphere Distributed Switch? (Choose two.) 

A. Verify that there is at least one Distributed Port Group on the Distributed Switch. 

B. Verify that the Distributed Port Group have active uplinks configured in its teaming and failover policy. 

C. Verify that the Distributed Switch has been configured with a Network Profile. 

D. Verify that Network I/O control for Management Traffic is configured for the highest share value. 

Answer: A,B 

Q14. During an upgrade, the ESXi 6.x installer finds an existing version of ESXi and a VMFS3 volume. No virtual machines exist on the host or VMFS3 volume. The requirement is to upgrade to VMFS5. 

Which option should be chosen to meet this requirement? 

A. Upgrade ESXi and preserve the VMFS datastore 

B. Install ESXi and preserve the VMFS datastore 

C. Install ESXi and overwrite the VMFS datastore 

D. Upgrade ESXi and overwrite the VMFS datastore 


Q15. Which three are architecture components of vRealize Operations? (Choose three.) 

A. Identity Server 

B. Administrative Server 

C. Analytics Server 

D. Database Server 

E. Connection Broker 

Answer: B,C,D 

Q16. An administrator is migrating a virtual machine from a Test cluster to a Production cluster. The two environments do not have any shared storage. 

What is the easiest way to accomplish this task? 

A. Perform a Storage vMotion. 

B. Perform a regular vMotion. 

C. Perform a Virtual to Virtual migration. 

D. Perform a backup and restore using VMware Data Protection. 


Q17. An administrator receives a report that no real time statistics are available for a virtual machine in the vCenter Server inventory. 

Which two statements indicate likely causes of the problem? (Choose two.) 

A. The virtual machine is powered off. 

B. The host containing the virtual machine is disconnected from vCenter Server. 

C. There is insufficient real time data to display the information. 

D. The vCenter Server service is not running. 

Answer: A,B 

Q18. What are two possible causes of Storage Distributed Resource Scheduler (SDRS) being disabled on one or more virtual machine disks in a datastore cluster? (Choose two.) 

A. The virtual machine has vSphere Fault Tolerance disabled. 

B. The virtual machine is a template. 

C. The virtual machine swap file is on a shared datastore. 

D. The disk is a CD-ROM/ISO file. 

Answer: B,D 

Q19. Refer to the Exhibit. 

An administrator is migrating a powered-on virtual machine, as shown in the exhibit. 

Which option should be selected to perform a Storage vMotion of the VM? 

A. Change storage only 

B. Change VM compute resource only 

C. Change both compute resource and storage, changing the compute resource first. 

D. Change both compute resource and storage, changing the storage resource first. 


Q20. An administrator has configured an alarm to be notified when a virtual machine meets either of these conditions: 

. High virtual CPU 

. High active memory consumption. 

The alarm is only triggering when both of the conditions are met. 

What can be done to correct the alarm behavior? 

A. Edit the alarm and select Trigger if ANY of the following conditions are satisfied. 

B. Edit the alarm and select Trigger if ALL of the following conditions are satisfied. 

C. Create two separate alarms, one for CPU and one for memory and link them together with ESXCLI. 

D. Delete the existing alarm and create a new event based alarm. 
