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Q9. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the QCI / ARP?
A. An EPS bearer may beassociatedwith more than one QCI value.
B. A new QCI policy can be defined on the Alcatel-Lucent 7750 MG to overwrite the default one.
C. A default QCI/ARP policy is predefined on the Alcatel-Lucent 7750 MG and cannot be modified.
D. A default bearercannotbeassociatedwith a QCI value of 4.
E. The QCI has 9 classes and the ARP has 15 levels.
Answer: A
Q10. Based on the information shown in the exhibit, which of the following is TRUE when the
PGW receives a "Create Session Request" with the "APN Restriction" set to "Private1"?
Assume everything else is in working condition.
A. The "Create Session Request" is rejected by the PGW and no bearer is created.
B. The "Create Session Request" is accepted by the PGW and the bearer is created successfully.
C. The APN cannot be configured with an "APN Restriction" value of "Private1".
D. The "Create Session Request" cannot have an "APN Restriction" value of "Private1".
E. None of the above answers are correct.
Answer: A
Q11. During the establishment of a default bearer, which of the following statements are TRUE regarding the TEID-U assigned by the eNodeB to the S1-U tunnel? (Choose two)
A. The eNodeB includes this TEID-U value in the Create Session Request message sent to the SGW over the S1 interface.
B. The eNodeB includes this TEID-U value in the Attach Request message sent to the MME over the S1-MME interface.
C. The MME includes this TEID-U value in the Create Session Request message sent to the SGW over the S11 interface.
D. The MME includes this TEID-U value in the Modify Bearer Request message sent to the SGW over the S11 interface.
E. The eNodeB includes this TEID-U value in the Attach Complete message sent to the MME over the S1-MME interface.
F. The eNodeB includes this TEID-U value in the Modify Bearer Request message sent to the SGW over the S1 interface.
Answer: D,E
Q12. Based on the information shown in the exhibit, which of the following is the PLMN ID?
A. 302
B. 720
C. 123456789
D. 9876543
E. 30202113
F. 302720
Answer: F
Q13. On Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SGW, which of the following CLI commands is used to obtain the
output displayed in the exhibit?
A. Show mobile-gateway serving ref-point-stats s11
B. Show mobile-gateway serving ref-point-stats s5
C. Show mobile-gateway serving ref-point-stats s11 instance
D. Show mobile-gateway serving ref-point-stats s5 instance
Answer: D
Q14. A dedicated bearer 6 has a total of six SDF filters. Based on the information shown in the exhibit, which of the following is the right order to apply the filters to the uplink traffic?
A. The filters: 0 (first), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (last).
B. The filters: 2 (first), 3, 0, 1, 4, 5 (last).
C. The filters: 1 (first), 3, 5 (last).
D. The filters: 2 (first), 4, 0 (last).
E. The filters: 3 (first), 5, 1 (last).
F. The filters: 1 (first), 5, 3 (last).
Answer: E
Q15. On Alcatel-Lucent 7750 PGW, which of the following CLI commands can be used to check the TEID-C values assigned to an S5 GTP-C tunnel for a particular UE?
A. Show mobile-gateway pdn pdn-context
B. Show mobile-gateway pdn pdn-context imsi <imsi-number> detail
C. Show mobile-gateway pdn ue-context
D. Show mobile-gateway pdn ue-context imsi <imsi-number> detail
E. Show mobile-gateway pdn bearer-context
F. Show mobile-gateway pdn bearer-context imsi <imsi-number> detail
Answer: B
Q16. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the EPS bearers?
A. The default bearer isinitiatedby either the UE or the PCRF.
B. The default bearer is always the first bearer established to an APN.
C. An AF server may initiate adedicatedbearer to a UE.
D. EPS bearers that connect a given UE to a single PGW may use different IP subnets.
E. The default bearer remains active throughout the lifetime of the APN connection.
Answer: A