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2021 Aug AND-401 free exam

Q11. Which of the following is incorrect about ProgressDialog? 

A. ProgressDialog inherits from the AlertDialog class. 

B. ProgressDialog can be set as 2 types of style: STYLE_HORIZONTAL and STYLE_SPINNER. 

C. ProgressDialog is able to apply a custom XML-defined layout by using the setContentView(...) method. 

D. ProgressDialog can be freely configured to use a Drawable class to display as its progress bar. 

Answer: C 

Q12. Which of the following are layout-related methods called by the framework on views, and you can override them when customizing a view? (Choose two) 

A. onMeasure() 

B. onDraw() 

C. onKeyUp() 

D. onSizeChanged() 

Answer: A,D 

Q13. Consider the following code : 


public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, 

ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { 

super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo); 


AdapterContextMenuInfo cmi = (AdapterContextMenuInfo) menuInfo; 

menu.add(1, cmi.position, 0, "Open file"); 

menu.add(2, cmi.position, 0, "Save file");} 

Which of the following best explains the code above? 

A. The code inflates an xml file into menu items. 

B. The code creates menu items for context menu programmatically. 

C. The code assign actions to menu items. 

D. The code Opens a menu resource file, modifies it, and saves the changes. 

Answer: B 

Q14. Which of the following tools creates certificates for signing Android applications? 

A. adb 

B. logcat 

C. keytool 

D. certgen 

Answer: C 

Q15. What is the parent class of all Activity widgets? 

A. ViewGroup 

B. Layout 

C. View 

D. Widget 

Answer: C 

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Q16. Which of the following lines of codes adds zoom controls to a WebView? 

A. webView.getSettings().setBuiltInZoomControls(true); 

B. webView.getSettings().setZoomControls(true); 

C. webView.getZoomSettings().setControls(CONTROLS.enabled); 

D. Zoom controls are included by default in WebViews 

Answer: A 

Q17. Which file specifies the minimum required Android SDK version your application supports? 

A. main.xml 

B. R.java 

C. strings.xml 

D. AndroidManifest.xml 

Answer: D 

Q18. Which of the following is not a ContentProvider provided natively by Android? 

A. The contacts list 

B. The telephone log 

C. The bookmarks 

D. The application list 

Answer: D 

Q19. Which of following is incorrect about the Toast class? 

A. You cannot set a custom layout for a Toast. 

B. You cannot set a custom layout for a Toast There is no need to close or hide a Toast, since it closes automatically. 

C. There is no need to close or hide a Toast, since it closes automatically. 

D. A Toast is displayed for only one of the following periods: Toast.LENGHT_SHORT or Toast.LENGTH_LONG. 

Answer: B 

Q20. Which of the following lines of code starts activity Activity2 from a current activity Activity1? 

A. Intent intent = new Intent(this,new Activity2());startActivity(intent); 

B. Intent intent = new Intent(new Activity2());startActivity(intent); 

C. Intent intent = new Intent (Activity1.class,Activity2.class);startActivity(intent); 

D. Intent intent = new Intent(this,Activity2.class);startActivity(intent); 

Answer: D