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2021 Nov CCB-400 question

Q1. Your client connects to HBase for the first time to road a row user_1234 located in a table Users.

What process does your client use to find the correct RegionServer to which it should send the request?

A. The client looks up the location of ROOT, in which it looks up the location of META, in which it looks up the location of the correct Users region.

B. The client looks up the location of the master, in which it looks up the location of META, in which it looks up the location of the correct Users region.

C. The client looks up the location of ROOT in which it looks up the location of the correct Users region.

D. The client queries the master to find the location of the Users table.

Answer: B

Q2. You have one primary HMaster and one standby. Your primary HMaster Falls fails and your client application needs to make a metadata change. Which of the following is the effect on your client application?

A. The client will queryZooKeepertofind the location of the new HMaster and complete the metadata change.

B. The client will make the metadata change regardless of the slate of the HMaster.

C. The new HMaster will notify the client and complete the metadata change.

D. Theclientapplication will fail with a runtime error.

Answer: A

Q3. Given the following HBase dataset, which is labeled with row numbers. . .

Which of the following lists of row numbers is the correct order that HBase would store this data?

A. 1, 5, 2, 4, 3, 6

B. 4, 1, 2, 6, 3, 5

C. 4, 6, 3, 1, 5, 2

D. 3, 4, 6, 1, 2, 5

Answer: C

Q4. Your client application needs to scan s region for the row key value 104.

Given a store that contains the following list of Row Key values:

100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107

A bloom filter would return which of the following?

A. Confirmation that 104 may becontained in theset

B. Confirmation that 104 is contained in the set

C. Thehash of column family

D. The file offset of the value 104

Answer: B

Q5. You need to insert a cell with a specific timestamp (version) 13353903160532. Which of the following is true?

A. The timestamp for the entire row must be updatedto13353903160532

B. ThePutclass allows setting a cell specific timestamp

C. ThePutclass allows setting a column family-specific timestamp

D. TheHTableclass allows you to temporarily roll back the newer versions of the cell

Answer: B

Replace CCB-400 free practice questions:

Q6. Your client application connects to HBase for the first time and queries the .META. table. What information does the .META. table provide to your client application?

A. The location of a Region

B. The location ofan MMaster

C. The location of aZooKeeper

D. The location of a–ROOT–table

Answer: A

Q7. You want to do mostly full table scans on your data. In order to improve performance you increase your block size. Why does this improve your scan performance?

A. It does not. Increasing block size does not improve scan performance.

B. It does not. Increasing block size means that fewer blocks fit into your block cache. This requires HBase to read each block from disk rather than cache for each scan, thereby decreasing scan performance.

C. Increasing block size requires HBase to readfrom disk fewer times, thereby increasing scan performance.

D. Increasing block size means fewer block indexes that need to be read from disk, thereby increasing scan performance.

Answer: D

Q8. You have a "Users" table in HBase and you would like to insert a row that consists of a UserID, "jsmith70" and an email address, "". The table has a single Column Family named "Meta" and the row key will be the user's ID. The shell command you should use to complete this is:

A. put‘Users’, ‘jsmith70’,‘’

B. put ‘Users’, ‘UserID:jsmith70’, ‘’

C. put ‘Users’, ‘jsmith70’, ‘Meta:Email’, ‘’

D. put ‘Users’,‘Meta:UserID’,‘jsmith70’,‘Meta:Email,‘’

Answer: B

Q9. For a given Column Family, you want to always retain at least one version, but expire all other versions that are older than 5 days. Which of the following Column Family attribute settings would you set to do this?



C. TTL = 432000, MIN_VERSIONS =1

D. TTL = 432000, VERSIONS =1

Answer: C

Q10. You have data already stored in HDFS and are considering using HBase. Which additional feature does HBase provide to HDFS?

A. Random writes

B. Batchprocessing

C. Fault tolerance

D. Scalability

Answer: A