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2021 Sep M70-101 exam engine

Q21. What class does an adminhtml grid directly extend? 

A. Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget 

B. Varien_Data_Grid 

C. Varien_Data_Widget 

D. Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Template 

Answer: A 

Q22. In what order are the routers from the Magento core checked for a matching route? Default: Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Default CMS: Mage_Cms_Controller:_Router Standard: Mage_Core_Controller_varien_Router_Standard Admin: Mage_Core_Controller_Vatrien_Router_Admin 

A. Admin, Standard, CMS, Default 

B. Default, CMS, Standard, Admin 

C. Admin, CMS, Standard, Default 

D. Standard, Admin, Default, CMS 

Answer: A 

Q23. Which of the following methods will force an EAV resource collection model to include an attribute in its result set? 

A. addAttributeToSelect($attribute); 

B. getResource()->addAttribute($attribute); 

C. addFieldToSelect($attribute); 

D. getSelect()->from( ' ' , $attribute); 

E. addAttributeToCollection($attribute); 

Answer: A 

Q24. hen setData ('some', 'value') is called on an EAV entity and the entity is saved to the database, ________ . 

A. the 'value' of the attribute named r some T is saved in the eav_values table 

B. the 'value' of the attribute named ' some' is saved in one of the entity's tables depending on its datatype (for example, entityname_varchar) 

C. the data will be stored in the EAV registry making ' some' 'value' available to the entity 

D. the 'value' of the attribute named 'some' is saved in the eav attribute values table 

Answer: B 

Q25. Which one of the following is responsible for sending a remote request to the payment service when capturing an order? 

A. Payment Info 

B. Order Payment 

C. Payment Method 

D. Invoice 

Answer: C 

M70-101 study guide

Update M70-101 exam engine:

Q26. Which of  the following xpaths defines  the correct XML  structure for  informing Magento that your module has install scripts? 

A. global/resources/etc/setup/<script_directory_name>/module 

B. system/database/resources/<script_directory_name>/setup/module 

C. global/resources/<script_directory_name>/setup/module 

D. database/action/scripts/<script_directory_name> 

Answer: C 

Q27. Which of the following will NOT generate a <script> tag in the output of the standard Magento page/html_head block? 

A. Option A 

B. Option B 

C. Option C 

D. Option D 

Answer: C 

Q28. What do you need to do to implement a completely new Web Service protocol in Magento? 

A. Create your own adapter and controller. 

B. Create your own API resource. 

C. Create a new API helper. 

D. Create a new model extended from Mage_Api_Model_Abstract. 

Answer: A 

Q29. How can you make a payment method store entire credit card numbers? 

A. For security reasons, there are no native ways for doing that. 

B. Pass the credit card number to the payment method: it will be stored automatically. 

C. Change the protected property of payment method $_canSaveCc to true. 

D. Configure your method to save the card number by setting 1 to the following xpath: default/payment/_NAME_/save_cc 

Answer: C 

Q30. Which one of the following EAV attribute types may be used for layered navigation in native Magento? 

A. varchar 

B. enum 

C. option 

D. union 

Answer: C