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2021 Oct M70-301 test question

Q41. Which is the correct order of the three types of translations by priority (1 = highest, 3 = lowest)? 

A. 1. Database (Inline) translation 


Module translation 


Theme translation 

B. 1. Database (Inline) translation 


Theme translation 


Module translation 

C. 1. Module translation 


Database (In line) translation 


Theme translation 

D. 1. Theme translation 


Database (In line) translation 


Module translation 


37. You want to add CSS to an HTML page. Which HTML tag would you use? 


B. Style 

C. Script 

D. styling 


Q42. Given the layout XML example below, which one of the following actions will cause the title, “Some Title,” to be translated by Magento? 


A. Option A 

B. Option B 

C. Option C 

D. Option D 


Q43. How can you override a native template file in an activated custom theme, using the design fallback? 

A. Copy the file to the appropriate folder. 

B. Copy the file to the appropriate folder and specify the path to it in the admin panel. 

C. Copy the file to the appropriate folder and specify the path to it in the database. 

D. Copy the file to the appropriate folder and rename it by adding the suffix “as”. 


Q44. Which three of the following action method(s) are valid ways to add custom JavaScript files? (Choose THREE.) 

A. <action method=”addJ”>< xscript>example.js</script></action> 

B. <action method=”addScript” ><type>js</type><src>example.js</src></action> 

C. <action method="addJs">< type>skin_js</typexname></name></action> 

D. <action method=”addltem><type>skin_js</type><name>example-js</namex/action> 

E. <action method= “newItem” >< “type>js</type><script>example.js</script></action> 

F. <action method=”addScript”><script>example.js</script></action> 

G. <action method= “addItem" ><type>js</typexname>example.js</name ></action> 

Answer: A,D,G 

Q45. Which layout handle can be used to assign a customized template file to the filter navigation block in the left column? 

A. default 

B. catalog_category_view 

C. catalog_category_layered 

D. page_two_columns_left 


Regenerate M70-301 exam answers:

Q46. In layout XML, which tag attributes are always used when configuring a template block? (Choose THREE.) 

A. as 

B. name 

C. type 

D. value 

E. before 

F. module 

G. template 

Answer: B,C,G 

Q47. Which of the following will render the custom content block custom, name to a page based on the native 3columns.phtml template? 

A. Option A 

B. Option B 

C. Option C 

D. Option D 


Q48. Given a configured package “tmypackage” and a configured theme “mytheme”, which THREE of the following templates would be part of the design fallback? (Choose THREE.) 

A. mypackage/default/template/my/template.phtml 

B. base/mytheme/template/my/template.phtml 

C. default/default/template/my/template.phtml 

D. base/default/template/my/template.phtml 

E. default/mytheme/template/my/template.phtml 

F. mypackage/mytheme/template/my/template.phtml 

Answer: A,D,F 

Q49. Using prototype.js, which selector would be used to target a group of list items with the class of item? 

A. $(‘ul’).children(‘li.item’) 

B. $(‘item’) 

C. $$(‘li.item’) 

D. $$(‘ul > li#item’) 


Q50. Which file contains the code that renders the grid of products for a page of the catalog? 

A. catalog/product/list.phtml 

B. catalog/product/grid.phtml 

C. catalog/category/list.phtml 

D. catalog/category/grid.phtml 
