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What is the proper utilization of a System Integration Testing (SIT) environment?

  • A. Used as a backup and archive of production configuration and data
  • B. Used as a development environment to configure and build new applications
  • C. Used as an environment to perform system-to-system testing

Answer: C

A System Integration Testing (SIT) environment is used as an environment to perform system-to-system testing. This means that the SIT environment is used to test the integration of different systems or components that are part of the Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud solution. The SIT environment allows the verification of the functionality, performance, and reliability of the integrated systems, as well as the identification and resolution of any defects or issues that may arise during the integration process. The SIT environment is typically a replica of the production environment, but with a smaller data set and lower security requirements. The SIT environment is also used to validate the data migration and synchronization between the source and target systems, as well as the compatibility and interoperability of the APIs and web services that are used for the integration. References:
✑ Manufacturing Cloud - Salesforce
✑ How to Perform Automated Integration Testing in Salesforce
✑ Automate and Test During Integration

The warranty claim adjudicators on Universal Containers' global warranty team need visibility to all the claim-related data on a single page. This includes information on whether the asset is covered under warranty and a detailed breakup in terms of replaced parts and labor costs.
Which of the following permission set licenses do the claims adjudicators need for this?

  • A. Service Console for Manufacturing and Warranty Lifecycle Management Psl
  • B. Industry Service Excellence and Warranty Lifecycle Management Psl
  • C. Warranty Lifecycle Management Psl and Claims Management Foundation

Answer: B

Industry Service Excellence and Warranty Lifecycle Management Psl are the permission set licenses that the claims adjudicators need for this requirement. Industry Service Excellence gives users access to the Service Console app, which provides a unified view of all the claim-related data on a single page. Warranty Lifecycle Management Psl gives users access to the Warranty Lifecycle Management features, which enable users to manage warranty contracts, claims, and entitlements. The other options are not sufficient for this requirement. Service Console for Manufacturing does not include the Warranty Lifecycle Management features. Warranty Lifecycle Management Psl and Claims
Management Foundation do not include the Service Console app. References: Permission Set Licenses, Set Up Users and Permissions for Manufacturing Cloud, Assign the Manufacturing Permission Sets to Users, Assign Users Permission Sets for Service Lifecycle Features in Manufacturing Cloud

Universal Containers has multiple active Sales Agreements for the current quarter of their top tier Customer. Each agreement contains Product A. Via manual API upload, a new order containing Product A comes in for the current quarter. Which Sales Agreement will this new order be linked to?

  • A. The Sales Agreement that was activated last will be linked to the order.
  • B. The Sales Agreement that was activated first will be linked to the order.
  • C. The Sales Agreement can only be ked manually to the order.
  • D. The Sales Agreement that was selected by custom logic will be linked to the order.

Answer: D

When multiple active sales agreements contain the same product for the same account and time period, you can use custom logic to determine which sales agreement to link the order to. You can use the Sales Agreement Order Linking Apex class to implement your custom logic and override the default behavior of linking the order to the sales agreement that was activated last1. References:
✑ Sales Agreements and Forecasting in Manufacturing Cloud
✑ Set Up and Configure Sales Agreements

Which two out-of-the-box Manufacturing Actions can be performed in Process Builder and
Flow Builder?

  • A. Clone Sales Agreement
  • B. Mass Archive Sales Agreement
  • C. Mass Update Account Forecast
  • D. Clone Account Forecast
  • E. Mass Update Sales Agreement

Answer: CE

Manufacturing Actions are custom actions that are available in Process Builder and Flow Builder to automate common tasks related to Manufacturing Cloud objects. Out of the box, there are two Manufacturing Actions that can be performed in Process Builder and Flow Builder: Mass Update Account Forecast and Mass Update Sales Agreement. Mass Update Account Forecast allows you to update multiple account forecasts at once based on a filter criteria. Mass Update Sales Agreement allows you to update multiple sales agreements at once based on a filter criteria. These actions can help you save time and ensure data accuracy by applying bulk changes to your account forecasts and sales agreements. References: Manufacturing Actions | Manufacturing Cloud Developer Guide | Salesforce Developers, Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud Professional Dumps Updated - Dumpsbase, Salesforce Manufacturing-Cloud-Professional Exam Dumps
- DumpsMate

Badger Power wants to have a complete picture of both their run-rate and net-new business.
Which two Manufacturing Cloud functions should be configured?

  • A. Account Based Forecasting
  • B. Opportunity Funnel
  • C. Sales Agreements
  • D. Collaborative Forecast
  • E. Product Forecast

Answer: AC

Account Based Forecasting and Sales Agreements are two Manufacturing Cloud functions that should be configured to have a complete picture of both run-rate and net-new business. Account Based Forecasting allows you to forecast your sales revenue based on the account level, rather than the opportunity level. This gives you more visibility into the demand from your existing customers, as well as the potential from new customers. Sales Agreements allow you to manage the sales lifecycle of your long-term contracts with customers, including pricing, volumes, and order realization. This helps you to track and fulfill your run-rate business, as well as to identify and capture new business opportunities within your agreements. References: Forecast Your Run-Rate and New Business with Account-Based Forecasting - Salesforce Help, [Create and Work with Sales Agreements - Salesforce Help]

An administrator of an organization is implementing Manufacturing Cloud Intelligence and various dashboards and is also setting up Advanced Account Forecasting.
Why would an administrator configure Field-Level Security for the Advanced Account Forecast Partner and Advanced Account Forecast Fact objects?

  • A. To provide users access to partner and facts records
  • B. To provide users with separate levels of visibility to forecast data
  • C. To provide users with separate levels of visibility to activity data

Answer: B

The administrator would configure Field-Level Security for the Advanced Account Forecast Partner and Advanced Account Forecast Fact objects to provide users with separate levels of visibility to forecast data. The Advanced Account Forecast Partner object stores the partner information for each account forecast record, such as the partner name, partner type, and partner role. The Advanced Account Forecast Fact object stores the forecast values for each account forecast record, such as the forecast amount, forecast quantity, and forecast margin. By setting the Field-Level Security for these objects, the administrator can control which users can view, edit, or delete the partner and fact data for each account forecast record. This way, the administrator can ensure that the users only see the relevant forecast data for their role and business unit12. References: 1: Set Field-Level Security for Fact and Partner Object in Advanced Account Forecasting3, 2: Forecast Fact Object Included with Advanced Account Forecasting4

An Account Manager at Badger Power wants to renew their current Sales Agreement. When can the Sales Agreement renewal occur?

  • A. Only when the new fiscal period starts.
  • B. Only when the renewal period ends.
  • C. Only when the renewal period starts.
  • D. Only when the sales agreement recalculates.
  • E. Only when the sales agreement regenerates.

Answer: C

Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud allows users to define the renewal period for sales agreements in their org. The renewal period is the number of days before the end date of a sales agreement from when users can renew the agreement. Users can renew a sales agreement only when the renewal period starts. The other options are not related to the renewal of sales agreements. References: Define Renewal Period for Sales Agreements

A consultant has completed an implementation and needs to import order data into Manufacturing Cloud. Which steps must the consultant follow to import all of the relevant data?

  • A. Provide the client with a data template file reflecting the data mapping and identify related records (that i
  • B. accounts, sales agreements). Disable irrelevant automations /rules.
  • C. Request an extract of the data from the legacy system and import as-is without transformatio
  • D. Disable irrelevant automations/rules.
  • E. Provide the client with a data template file limited to required fields and identify required related records (that i
  • F. accounts, sales agreements). Disable irrelevant automations/rules.

Answer: A

The correct approach for importing order data into Manufacturing Cloud involves providing the client with a comprehensive data template file that reflects the data mapping, including the identification of related records such as accounts and sales agreements. It is also crucial to disable any irrelevant automations or rules that might interfere with the data import process. This ensures a smooth transition and accurate reflection of order data within the Manufacturing Cloud environment

Which three conditions need to be fulfilled so that an order is included in the Actuals calculation process on a Sales Agreement?

  • A. The order needs to have Status = Activated.
  • B. The date in the Order Date field should be in the past.
  • C. The date in the Order Date field should be in the future.
  • D. The order needs to have Category = Activated.
  • E. The Sales Agreement field needs to be populated on the Order.

Answer: ABE

Actuals are the quantities of products that have been fulfilled or shipped to the customer as part of a sales agreement1. Manufacturing Cloud calculates actuals based on orders that are associated with a sales agreement2. For an order to be included in the actuals calculation process, the following three conditions need to be fulfilled23:
✑ The order needs to have Status = Activated. Only activated orders are considered for actuals calculation. Draft orders are not included.
✑ The date in the Order Date field should be in the past. Only orders with a start date that is on or before the current date are considered for actuals calculation. Future orders are not included.
✑ The Sales Agreement field needs to be populated on the order. Only orders that have a reference to a sales agreement record are considered for actuals calculation. Orders that are not linked to a sales agreement are not included. en_us&type=5

Universal Containers (UC) is interested in using Manufacturing Cloud. During discovery, the business analyst identifies the following requirements:
* 1. UC needs the ability to set quantity and revenue targets at the manager level, and the manager needs the ability to distribute that across each member of their team and their team's accounts.
* 2. UC needs the ability to visualize the targets compared to the actual order amounts for the accounts with targets.
* 3. UC needs the ability to forecast its sales on a rolling 12-month basis using a combination of data from opportunities, long-term agreements, past orders, and market data that is uploaded periodically.
Which combination of Manufacturing Cloud features addresses the requirements above?

  • A. Account Manager Target
  • B. Sales Agreements, Advanced Account Forecasting
  • C. Account Manager Targets, Advanced Account Forecasting, CRM Analytics for Manufacturing App
  • D. Account Manager Target
  • E. Account Based Forecasting, CRM Analytics for Manufacturing App

Answer: A

✑ Account Manager Targets allow UC to set and track quantity and revenue targets at the manager level, and distribute them to their team members and accounts1.
✑ Sales Agreements allow UC to manage run-rate or long-term negotiated business with their customers, and track the order realization against the agreed terms1.
✑ Advanced Account Forecasting allow UC to forecast their sales on a rolling 12- month basis using data from opportunities, sales agreements, past orders, and market data1.
✑ CRM Analytics for Manufacturing App is a prebuilt app that provides insights into sales performance, account health, and customer satisfaction, but it does not address the requirements of UC2.
✑ Account Based Forecasting is a feature that allows UC to forecast their sales based on account hierarchy, but it does not use data from sales agreements or market data3.
✑ What Is Manufacturing Cloud? - Salesforce
✑ CRM Analytics for Manufacturing App - Salesforce
✑ Account Based Forecasting - Salesforce

Universal Containers1 field reps want to have a more accurate picture of their distributor's business. The field rep will compare and update expected versus actual order values during the next visit.
Which Manufacturing Cloud object should the consultant configure to give field reps this ability?

  • A. Advanced Account Forecast
  • B. Generic Visit Key Performance Indicator
  • C. Account Relationship

Answer: A

The Advanced Account Forecast object is used to track the expected and actual order values for each account and product family. It allows field reps to compare the forecasted and actual order values for each account and product family, and update them as needed. The Advanced Account Forecast object also enables field reps to collaborate with their distributors and align on the sales agreements, orders, and brand-promotion campaigns12. References: Meet Manufacturing Cloud, Strengthen Relationships with Partners

Which two statements are accurate when embedding the Manufacturing agreement Performance and Manufacturing Product Performance dashboards in lightning page?

  • A. Must set Component height to 120
  • B. No filter required.
  • C. Can embed in sales agreement page layout only
  • D. Can embed in any manufacturing cloud page layout

Answer: AD

When embedding the Manufacturing Agreement Performance and Manufacturing Product Performance dashboards in a lightning page, it is recommended to set the dashboard's height to 120 pixels to ensure optimal display. Additionally, these dashboards can be embedded on any manufacturing cloud page layout without the need for setting up filters, offering flexibility in dashboard placement and enhancing user accessibility to critical performance data across various manufacturing cloud components .

Universal Containers just went live with Manufacturing Cloud. The administrator has been tasked with uploading sales agreement data into the system.
In which order does the administrator need to approach this task for a complete and accurate representation of sales transactions?

  • A. Insert Sales Agreements, Insert Sales Agreement Products, Insert Sales Agreement Product Schedule
  • B. Insert Sales Agreements, Insert Sales Agreement Products, Update Sales Agreement Product Schedule
  • C. Update Sales Agreements, Update Sales Agreement Products, Update Sales Agreement Product Schedule

Answer: A

To upload sales agreement data into the system, the administrator needs to follow these steps in order:
✑ Insert Sales Agreements: This creates the sales agreement records with the basic information such as account, contact, start date, end date, and status.
✑ Insert Sales Agreement Products: This adds the products that are part of the sales agreement, along with the planned quantity and revenue for each product.
✑ Insert Sales Agreement Product Schedule: This specifies the schedule for each product, such as the frequency, start date, end date, and quantity for each period.
The other options are not correct because they involve updating the sales agreement data instead of inserting it. Updating the data requires the data to be already present in the system, which is not the case for a new implementation. Also, updating the sales agreement product schedule is not necessary if the schedule is inserted correctly in the first place. References: SalesAgreement | Manufacturing Cloud Developer
Guide, SalesAgreementProduct | Manufacturing Cloud Developer
Guide, SalesAgreementProductSchedule | Manufacturing Cloud Developer Guide, Import Data into Manufacturing Cloud

Which two statements are true, if an org hits the account product period forecast record limit?

  • A. New Products cannot be added to account forecasts
  • B. New products are not added when recalculating a single account forecast or recalculating all account forecasts
  • C. New products added to account forecasts will not be included in recalculations
  • D. The add products option will no longer appear on the agreement terms tab

Answer: AB

The account product period forecast record limit is the maximum number of records that can be stored in the Account Product Period Forecast object, which represents the quantity and revenue information of products for a particular time period of the forecast rolling period1. The default limit is 9 million records, but it can be changed by the admin2. If the org hits the limit, new products cannot be added to account forecasts, and new products are not added when recalculating a single account forecast or recalculating all account forecasts2. This means that the forecast data will not reflect the latest changes in the product portfolio and may affect the accuracy of the forecast. The add products option will still appear on the agreement terms tab, but it will not work if the limit is reached. New products added to account forecasts will be included in recalculations, as long as the limit is not exceeded. References: Considerations for Working with Manufacturing - Salesforce, Define Account Forecast Settings Unit | Salesforce Trailhead
Module, Advanced Account Forecasting with Manufacturing Cloud | Salesforce, AccountProductPeriodForecast | Manufacturing Cloud Developer Guide | Salesforce Developers

Universal Containers (UC) wants to enrich the warranty claims experience for partners and distributors. UC wants its partners and distributors to submit warranty claims and closely track their status from the Manufacturing Experience Cloud site.
Which standard object captures Type, Reason, and Account information?

  • A. Claim Participant
  • B. Claim
  • C. Claim Item

Answer: B

The standard object that captures Type, Reason, and Account information for warranty claims is Claim. A Claim record represents a request made by a partner, dealer, or distributor to the manufacturer to repair, replace, or provide a refund for a defective asset1. The Claim object has fields such as Claim Type, Claim Reason, and Account Name that store this information2. References: How Warranty Claim Information Is Represented in Manufacturing Cloud, Claim Fields in Manufacturing Cloud

Universal Containers (UC) has implemented Sales Cloud and Service Cloud in seven countries in EMEA for about 100 users. UC has successfully tested and signed off on additional Sales Agreements functionality. In order to have control over the rollout and monitor the adoption, UC wants to roll out in a phased manner, country by country. UC follows a single-org strategy.
How should a consultant enable this rollout scenario?

  • A. Deploy the new functionality and assign the permission set to the designated users.
  • B. Deploy the new functionality and make the Sales Agreements tab visible for the designated users.
  • C. Deploy the new functionality and assign the Manufacturing licenses to all of the users.

Answer: A

n: To enable a phased rollout of the Sales Agreements functionality, a consultant should deploy the new functionality and assign the permission set to the designated users. The permission set grants access to the Sales Agreements object and related actions, such as creating, editing, approving, and activating sales agreements. By assigning the permission set to the designated users, the consultant can control who can use the new functionality and monitor the adoption. The consultant does not need to make
the Sales Agreements tab visible for the designated users, as the tab is automatically visible once the permission set is assigned. The consultant also does not need to assign the Manufacturing licenses to all of the users, as the licenses are only required for users who need access to the Manufacturing Cloud features, such as account forecasting and data processing engine. References: Get Started with Manufacturing Cloud for Sales, Assign the Manufacturing Permission Sets to Users

Universal container wants to stream line the way they collaborate on sales agreement with their channel partners which is the recommended option

  • A. Leverage the manufacturing experience cloud template to set up a secure site for collaboration
  • B. Leverage the salesforce site manufacturing cloud template to set up a secure site for collaboration
  • C. Leverage my domain to set up a secure site for collaboration
  • D. Leverage Heroku for Manufacturing cloud to set up a secure site for collaboration

Answer: A

Manufacturing Cloud comes with a predefined manufacturing partner template that can help manufacturers collaborate efficiently with their channel partners on sales agreements, forecasts, leads, and opportunities. The manufacturing partner template is a responsive portal that provides partners with access to knowledge articles, dashboards, and reports. Partners can also update products, prices, quantities, and adjustments on sales agreements, as well as view and edit account forecasts. The manufacturing experience cloud template is built on Experience Cloud, which allows you to customize the site with branding, themes, components, and pages. You can also assign user permissions and roles for the site to control the access and visibility of your partners. References: Engage with Your Partners, What Is Manufacturing Cloud?, Manufacturing -, Simplify Partner Engagement: A Guide for Manufacturers

If the team member hierarchy type is changed in account manager targets, which statement is accurate?

  • A. No change to existing targets
  • B. All the existing targets become read only
  • C. All the existing targets turn to draft status
  • D. All the existing targets have to be reapproved based on the new hierarchy

Answer: B

Account manager targets are long-term goals that account managers set for themselves and their team members. They can be based on revenue, volume, margin, or any other metric that is relevant for the business. The team member hierarchy type determines the users that account managers can assign targets to. It can be either the manager hierarchy or the forecasts hierarchy, which are defined in the Roles and Forecasts Hierarchy pages in Setup, respectively. If the team member hierarchy type is changed in account manager targets, all the existing targets are made read-only, as a warning message indicates. This is to prevent any inconsistency or confusion in the target assignments and approvals. To edit the existing targets, account managers have to clone them and make the necessary changes. References: Choose Team Member Hierarchy for Account Manager Targets, Set Up and Configure Account Manager Targets, Set Up Targets for Account Managers Unit | Salesforce Trailhead, Assign an Account Manager Target

Which two options are recommended to collaborate with channel partners in Manufacturing Cloud?

  • A. Visualforce pages
  • B. Lightning Classic Apps
  • C. External Apps
  • D. Experience Cloud
  • E. Manufacturing Cloud license for external users

Answer: CD

To collaborate with channel partners in Manufacturing Cloud, it is recommended to use external apps and Experience Cloud. External apps are applications that run outside of Salesforce but can integrate with Salesforce data and functionality. They can provide custom solutions for specific business needs and extend the capabilities of Manufacturing Cloud. For example, external apps can enable partners to access inventory levels, order status, product catalogs, and pricing information from Salesforce. Experience Cloud, formerly known as Community Cloud, is a platform that allows you to create branded digital experiences for your customers, partners, and employees. It can help you engage with your channel partners and provide them with self-service tools, collaboration features, and personalized content. For example, Experience Cloud can enable partners to view and update sales agreements, account forecasts, rebates, and targets from Salesforce. It can also help you train and onboard your partners, monitor their performance, and reward them for their achievements. References: Engage with Your Partners, Re-Imagining Partner Relationships with Manufacturing Cloud, Manufacturing Cloud


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