Exam Code: network+ n10 006 (Practice Exam Latest Test Questions VCE PDF)
Exam Name: CompTIA Network+
Certification Provider: CompTIA
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Q1. Which of the following concepts are MOST important for a company's long term health in the event of a disaster? (Select TWO). 

A. Redundancy 

B. Implementing acceptable use policy 

C. Offsite backups 

D. Uninterruptable power supplies 

E. Vulnerability scanning 

Answer: AC 

Q2. A company has a new offering to provide access to their product from a central location rather than clients internally hosting the product on the client network. The product contains sensitive corporate information that should not be accessible from one client to another. This is an example of which of the following? 

A. Public SaaS 

B. Private SaaS 

C. Hybrid IaaS 

D. Community IaaS 


Q3. Which of the following is an example of an IPv4 address? 

A. 192:168:1:55 


C. 00:AB:FA:B1:07:34 

D. ::1 


Q4. Which of the following is a security benefit gained from setting up a guest wireless network? 

A. Optimized device bandwidth 

B. Isolated corporate resources 

C. Smaller ACL changes 

D. Reduced password resets 


Q5. A company is deploying a new wireless network and requires 800Mbps network throughput. Which of the following is the MINIMUM configuration that would meet this need? 

A. 802.11ac with 2 spatial streams and an 80MHz bandwidth 

B. 802.11ac with 3 spatial streams and a 20MHz bandwidth 

C. 802.11ac with 3 spatial streams and a 40MHz bandwidth 

D. 802.11ac with 4 spatial streams and a 160MHz bandwidth 


Q6. An organization is moving to a new datacenter. During the move, several technicians raise concerns about a system that could potentially remove oxygen from the server room and result in suffocation. Which of the following systems are they MOST likely discussing? 

A. Fire suppression 

B. Mantraps at the entry 


D. UPS and battery backups 


Q7. A company has had several virus infections over the past few months. The infections were caused by vulnerabilities in the application versions that are being used. Which of the following should an administrator implement to prevent future outbreaks? 

A. Host-based intrusion detection systems 

B. Acceptable use policies 

C. Incident response team 

D. Patch management 


Q8. A technician is configuring a managed switch and needs to enable 802.3af. Which of the following should the technician enable? 

A. PoE 

B. Port bonding 


D. Trunking 
