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Q409. Communication between the project manager and the project team members should take place:

A. Via daily status report.

B. Through approved documented forms.

C. By written and oral communication.

D. Through the formal chain of comman

Answer: C

Q410. Which of the following is controlling changes to the budget.

A. Control Costs

B. Estimate Costs

C. Determine Budget

D. None

Answer: A

Q411. A contingency plan is ________.

A. A planned response that defines the steps to be taken, if an identified risk event should occur

B. A workaround

C. A reserve used to allow for future situations which may be planned for only in part

D. All of the above

Answer: A

Q412. Delivery dates and availability of resources can be found in the details of the __________.

A. Work Breakdown Structure

B. sow

C. Project Charter

D. Project Scope Statement

Answer: A

Q413. Which of the following project document is best suited for tracking costs of resources?

A. Work breakdown structure

B. P'sk breakdown structure

C. Organizational breakdown structure

D. Resource breakdown structure

Answer: A

Q414. Contract close out contains:

A. Contract documentation

B. Procurement audits

C. Formal acceptance and closure

D. All of the above

Answer: D

Q415. You are project manager of a project. A customer requests a scope change in the project. In order to determine the impact of the requested change, you will need a work breakdown structure, change request, scope management plan, and:

A. Performance reports.

B. A responsibility matrix.

C. A Pareto diagram

D. A Monte Carlo simulation.

Answer: A

Q416. Formal acceptance by the client or sponsor of the project should be prepared and distributed during which of the following process?

A. Distribute Information

B. Administrative Closure

C. Organizational Planning

D. Report Performance

Answer: B