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Q105. MD5 is a ___________ algorithm 

A. One way hash 

B. 3DES 

C. 192 bit 



Q106. Tripwire is a ___________________-

A. Log analyzer 

B. Port Scanner 

C. Digital Certificate Company 

D. Polymorphic virus 

E. File Integrity Checker 


Q107. A true network security audit does include an audit for modems? 

A. True 

B. False 


Q108. The most important component of antivirus software is the _______________? 

A. Desktop 

B. Definitions 

C. Engine 

D. Heuristics 

E. Console 


Q109. Which of the following steps are involved in a basic risk assessment? 

A. Determine what data and systems need to be protected 

B. Evaluate who are the potential threats 

C. Investigate potential legal, financial, and regulatory issues 

D. Determine the chances of a disaster or risk related event occurring 

E. All of the items listed 

F. None of the items listed 


Q110. Echo, chargen, finger, and bootp are all examples of? 

A. Security weaknesses 

B. Possibly unnecessary services 

C. Service ports 

D. Router commands 

E. Hacker tools 


Q111. What security control provides a method to insure that a transaction did or did not occur? 

A. Identification 

B. Accountability 

C. Nonrepudiation 

D. Verification 

E. Access control 


Q112. BIND should be disabled on which of the following? 

A. All DNS servers to avoid recursive lookups 

B. All non DNS servers 

C. Firewalls 

D. Routers 
