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Q9. Which of the following properties of a user account determines whether the user is given administrator privileges? 

A. Its primary group ID is 0 (zero). 

B. It is listed first in /etc/passwd 

C. Its username is root. D. Its user ID is 0 (zero). 

E. Its GECOS (name) field is set to "System Administrator" 


Q10. What is the output of the following command? for token in a b c; do echo -n ${token}; done 

A. anbncn 

B. abc 

C. $token$token$token 

D. {a}{b}{c} 

E. a b c 


Q11. Which command will display the last line of the file foo.txt? 

A. head -n 1 foo.txt 

B. tail foo.txt 

C. last -n 1 foo.txt 

D. tail -n 1 foo.txt 


Q12. Which approach will provide a listing of the contents in a tar archive? 

A. Use the tar command with -t. 

B. Use the grep command. 

C. Use the find command. 

D. Use the zless command. 

E. Use the zlist command. 


Q13. Which of the following software packages is a mail server? 

A. Postfix 

B. Thunderbird 

C. Apache 



Q14. Which command will delete the directory foo with all its content? 

A. rmdir -a foo 

B. rm -r foo 

C. rm -a foo 

D. rmdir foo 


Q15. Which of the following commands increases the number of elements in a directory? 

(Choose two) 

A. touch newfile 

B. create newfile 

C. ls newfile 

D. rmdir newdirectory 

E. mkdir newdirectory 

Answer: A, E 

Q16. What does the exit status 0 indicate about a process? 

A. The process ended without any problems. 

B. The process was terminated by the user. C. The process couldn't finish correctly. 

D. The process waited for an input but got none. 

E. The process finished in time. 
