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Q129. - (Topic 9) 

“If the machine is under stress, we do not want to leave the stress condition due to a single measurement (which could be an anomaly), but rather wait for a given length of time, before changing the condition.” …describes which of the following “Bypass under Load” setting kernel parameters? 

A. ids_assume_stress 

B. ide_tolerance_no_stress 

C. ids_tolerance_stress 

D. ids_timeout 


Q130. - (Topic 9) 

When using Geo Protections, you find there are logs for a country that you believe is incorrect. What file do you review to verify what country Geo Protections should identify the traffic as? 

A. asm.C 

B. objects.C 

C. objects_5_0.C 

D. IpToCountry.csv 


Q131. - (Topic 8) 

A Security Administrator wants to increase the amount of processing cores on a Check Point Security Gateway. He starts by increasing the number of cores, however the number of kernel instances remain the same way. What is the correct process to increase the number of kernel instances? 

A. Cpconfig- Enable Check Point CoreXL- Change the number of firewall instances-define how many firewall instances to enable-cprestart 

B. Cpconfig- Check Point CoreXL- Change the number of firewall instances-define how many firewall instances to enable-reboot 

C. Cpconfig- Enable Check Point ClusterXL- Change the number of firewall instances-define how many firewall instances to enable-reboot 

D. Cpconfig- Check Point CoreXL- Change the number of firewall instances-define how many firewall instances to enable-cpstop,cpstart 


Q132. - (Topic 4) 

Which command displays compression/decompression statistics? 

A. vpn ver –k 

B. vpn compstat 

C. vpn compreset 

D. vpn crlview 


Q133. - (Topic 1) 

The command fw ctl kdebug <params> is used to: 

A. list enabled debug parameters. 

B. read the kernel debug buffer to obtain debug messages. 

C. enable kernel debugging. 

D. select specific kernel modules for debugging. 


Q134. - (Topic 5) 

Consider the following Rule Base; 

What can be concluded in regards to SecureXL Accept Templates? 

A. Accept Templates will be disabled on Rule #4 

B. Accept Templates will be fully functional 

C. Accept Templates will be disabled on Rule #6 

D. Accept Templates do not function with VPN communities in the Rule Base 


Topic 6, Hardware Optimization 

Q135. - (Topic 4) 

The file ike.elg is a log file used to log IKE negotiations during VPN tunnel establishment. Where is this file located? 

A. /opt/CPshrd-R77/log 

B. /opt/CPsuite-R77/fw1/log 

C. /var/log/opt/CPsuite-R77/fg1/log 

D. /opt/CPsuite-R77/fg1/log 


Q136. - (Topic 5) 

When optimizing a customer firewall Rule Base, what is the BEST way to start the analysis? 

A. With the command fwaccel stat followed by the command fwaccel stats. 

B. At the top of the Rule Base. 

C. Using the hit count column. 

D. Using the Compliance Software Blade. 
