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Q17. Scenario: A Citrix Engineer set Desktop Composition Redirection to 'Enabled' in a policy within Citrix Studio and filtered the policy by virtual desktops. Desktop Composition Redirection is set to 'Disabled' in a group policy object (GPO) applied to the organizational unit (OU) containing all virtual desktops. What will be the resultant effect of these two policies on the virtual desktops they are applied to?
A. The two policies will cancel each other out, leaving the desktops with the default settings.
B. The policy assigned to the OU will take precedence and Desktop Composition Redirection will be disabled.
C. The Unfiltered policy will take precedence over the conflicting policies, leaving the desktops with the default settings.
D. The policy assigned in Citrix Studio will apply as it takes precedence over OU policies and Desktop Composition Redirection is enabled.
Answer: B
Q18. Which setting can be enabled to improve existing users' logon experience when using Citrix Profile Management?
A. Enable template profile
B. Enable active write back
C. Enable Profile Streaming
D. Enable delay before deleting cached profiles
Answer: C
Q19. Which type of XenServer storage repository supports thin provisioning?
C. Fibre Channel
D. Software iSCSI
Answer: A
Q20. Which Virtual Disk Storage type should a Citrix Engineer configure for shared storage with XenServer when using a Fibre Channel SAN?
B. Software iSCSI
C. Hardware HBA
D. Windows File Sharing (CIFS)
Answer: C
Q21. A Citrix Engineer is deploying a large, multi-site XenDesktop environment where storage I/O is limited. What should the engineer select for image management when creating machine catalogs in this environment?
A. Linked Clones
B. Provisioning Services
C. Machine Creation Services
D. Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
Answer: B
Scenario: Provisioning Services has been installed to facilitate the deployment of server OS
and desktop OS machines. Currently, a pool of Windows 8 desktop OS machines is being
used by the Imaging and Radiology team. A virtual machine OU named CCH Virtual
Desktops has been created. However, users on the Imaging and Radiology team need to use
their medical imaging applications that CANNOT be installed on their workstations due to
insufficient resources.
As the Citrix Engineer, you have been asked to provision desktop OS machines with sufficient
resources to three Imaging and Radiology team members in order to allow them to use their
new applications. All three of the desktop OS machines should be assigned the Win8 vDisk,
and the desktop OS machines should maintain changes after reboot. Members of the Imaging
and Radiology team need to be able to log into the CCH.com domain.
The Windows 8 virtual machines were already created with the following information:
. CCHWin801 - IR Desktop 1 CCHWin802 - IR Desktop 2
. IP Address: DHCP Assigned
. MAC Address: 56:5b:b0:38:6a:54
. NOT a member of Active Directory CCHWin803 - IR Desktop 3
. IP Address: DHCP Assigned
. MAC Address: be:c8:96:6e:89:c9
. NOT a member of Active Directory
In order to save time, a copy of an existing Window 8 base image vDisk was created and
named Win8 and is stored in the PVS StoreOI store.
As the Citrix Engineer, use the existing site, store, and device collection to implement the
tasks below.
1. Create and configure all 3 of the Windows 8 desktop OS machines as target devices to boot using the Win8 vDisk.
2. Name the target devices CCHWin801, CCHWin802, and CCHWin803.
3. Modify the vDisk as necessary to meet the requirements outlined in the scenario.
Answer: Pending.
Q23. Which two statements are true about Remote PC Access? (Choose two.)
A. Users may only access one desktop at a time using Remote PC Access.
B. Remote PC Access could only be selected during the initial installation of XenDesktop.
C. Multiple users could log on to the same desktop using Remote PC Access at the same time.
D. Each desktop used for Remote PC Access needs to be joined to a domain with a wired connection.
E. Desktops configured for Remote PC Access could be added to an existing XenDesktop environment.
Answer: D, E
Q24. Where could a Citrix Engineer check which virtual channels are active in a user session?
A. Citrix Studio
B. Citrix Director
C. Resource Monitor
D. NetScaler Insight Center
Answer: B