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2021 Nov 1D0-61C vce

Q11. You want to enable wireless security on your Android device and your Linux system. 

Which of the following is a disadvantage of Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)? 

A. It enables MAC address filtering. 

B. It is easily compromised by hackers. 

C. It only supports 56-bit symmetric-key encryption. 

D. It is based on the outdated 802.lla wireless standard. 


Q12. Cloud-computing enables mobile devices to provide users with access to a wide variety of applications and services. Which of the following is a disadvantage of mobile devices? 

A. Mobile devices cannot accommodate Web browsing. 

B. Mobile devices cannot easily be used for checking e-mail. 

C. Mobile devices cannot access software hosted on remote servers. 

D. Mobile devices cannot accommodate large database installations or applications. 


Q13. Which security issue is most closely associated with wireless networks? 

A. Spoofing 

B. Wardriving 

C. Eavesdropping 

D. Man-in-the-middle 


Q14. On your Windows laptop, you store all your vacation photos and your entire digital music library. Concerned about data loss, you perform frequent backups. Your laptop has recently been stolen and you need to restore your files to a desktop computer. Which Windows tool would you use to recover and set up the saved copies of your files onto your desktop computer? 

A. Backup and Restore 

B. Backup Recovery 

C. System Recovery 

D. System Restore 


Q15. Which type of attack involves the installation of malicious code on personal computers or servers that redirects Internet traffic from a legitimate  Web site to an identical-looking but malicious imposter Web site? 

A. Pharming 

B. Spoofing 

C. Phishing 

D. Replay 


Updated 1D0-61C exam answers:

Q16. Which of the following is generally a component of a BYOD policy? 

A. Scope of control 

B. Insurance on devices 

C. Maintenance provision 

D. Device replacement or upgrade 


Q17. Which of the following is a disadvantage of implementing a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy in a company? 

A. Increased cost for licensing mobile applications 

B. Configuring the corporate e-mail server to work with mobile devices 

C. Inability to control access to company data if the device is stolen or lost 

D. Providing training for employees on how to use mobile devices with company applications 


Q18. What does the following represent? 2E22:4F00:000E:00D0:A267:97FF:FE6B:FE34 

A. A MAC address 

B. AnIPv4address 

C. An IPv6 address 

D. An IP diagnostic loopback address 


Q19. A friend has called you about a possible computer problem because her computer is acting strangely. Sounds play unexpectedly, the monitor turns off suddenly, the hard-drive light flashes constantly, the computer sometimes reboots itself without warning.  When you inspect your friend’s system, you notice that several ports are open. Which of the following is most likely the cause of these symptoms? 

A. The computer has been infected with a polymorphic virus. 

B. The computer is experiencing a denial-of-service attack. 

C. The computer has been infected with an illicit server. 

D. The computer has been infected by a worm. 


Q20. Jenny recently switched from broadband cable Internet to ADSL service with her local phone company. To economize, she chose the self-installation option. It appears that her ADSL modem is not allowing her to connect to the Internet. Which setting should she check first? 

A. Loopback address 

B. Software version 

C. Default gateway D. Device name 
