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Q1. You are a computer technician supporting a small 15-computer Internet lab. The computers are regularly used to browse the Internet and download files. Users have recently complained that they receive error messages saying the hard disk is full or out of space. You suspect this is a result of a large amount of temporary Internet files. Which of the following is a way to easily delete all the temporary Internet files?
A. Disk cleanup
B. fdisk command
C. chkdsk command
D. Disk defragmentation
Answer: A
Q2. Which of the following is a disadvantage of implementing a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy in a company?
A. Increased cost for licensing mobile applications
B. Configuring the corporate e-mail server to work with mobile devices
C. Inability to control access to company data if the device is stolen or lost
D. Providing training for employees on how to use mobile devices with company applications
Answer: C
Q3. Sam is a professor at a small college. Due to a scheduling conflict, he was unable to obtain access to the computer lab to give the final exam. As an alternative, he asked students to bring their own devices (BYOD) and connect to the college’s Wi-Fi for network access. What security risk is associated with this implementation?
A. Inability for students to share files
B. Inability for students to back up user files
C. Student devices sending unsecured data
D. Student devices being more susceptible to malware
Answer: C
Q4. Which of the following is a security threat commonly associated with cloud-based services?
A. Malware
B. Phishing
C. Hypervisor vulnerabilities
D. Operating system vulnerabilities
Answer: C
Q5. Lisa is traveling on company business. She has a company-issued smartphone with 4G access. Her hotel does not provide Internet access. What advantage does 4G provide to help her access the Internet?
A. She can use a 4G mobile hotspot device with her phone to connect her laptop to Wi-Fi.
B. She can use the 4G phone to establish a VPN connection into the company network.
C. She can use the41G phone to call and locate a public location that provides free Wi-Fl.
D. She can use her41G phone’s GPS to identify another hotel that provides in-room Internet access.
Answer: A
Q6. What is the distinguishing difference between a LAN and WAN?
A. A LAN is a group of networked computers within a confined geographic area.
B. A WAN is a group of networked computers within a confined geographic area.
C. A LAN typically provides slower network connection speeds than a WAN.
D. A WAN is commonly used for intra-office communication.
Answer: A
Q7. You have recently purchased a new wireless router. You would like to configure a name for your wireless network so that you can easily identify it when scanning available wireless networks. Which term describes this wireless network device name?
A. Default gateway
B. Wireless access point (AP)
C. Access Point Identifier (API)
D. Service Set Identifier (SSID)
Answer: D
Q8. You are a small-business owner and would like to encourage employees to bring their own devices (BYOD) to work. Which of the following can help reduce the security risks associated with a BYOD implementation?
A. Expense accounts
B. Acceptable use policy
C. End user license agreement
D. In-house device maintenance
Answer: B