Exam Code: A00-211 (Practice Exam Latest Test Questions VCE PDF)
Exam Name: SAS Base Programming for SAS ® 9
Certification Provider: SAS Institute
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Q97. Read the table: 

Given the SAS data set SASUSER.HOUSES: 

Obsstylebedroomsbathspricesqteetstreet 1CONDO21.5800501200MAIN 2CONDO32.5793501300ELM 3CONDO42.51271501400OAK 4CONDO22.01107001100FIFTH 5TWOSTORY43.01072502100SECOND 6TWOSTORY21.0556501600WEST 7TWOSTORY21.0692501450NORTH 6TWOSTORY42.5102950 2000SOUTH 

The following SAS program is submitted: 

proc report data = sasuser.houses nowd headline; 

column style price; 

where price It 100000; 

<insert DEFINE statement here> 

define price / mean width = 9 format = dollar12.; 



The following output is desired: 


CONDO$79,700 TWOSTORY$62550 

Which DEFINE statement completes the program and produces the desired output? 

A. define style / width = 9, 

B. define style / orderwidth = 9; 

C. define style / group width = 9; 

D. define style / display width = 9; 


Q98. The following SAS program is submitted: 

data work.company; 

set work.dept1(keep = jobcode) 

work.dept2(rename = (jcode = jobcode)); 


Which one of the following is the result? 

A. The variable JCODE is written to the output data set. 

B. The variable JOBCODE is written to the output data set. 

C. Neither variable JCODE nor JOBCODE is written to the output data set. 

D. The program fails to execute due to errors. 


Q99. Which one of the following SAS system options prevents the page number from appearing on a report? 






Q100. Given the data set WORK.EMPDATA: 

Which one of the following where statements would display observations with job titles containing the word 'Manager'? 

A. where substr(Job_Title,(length(Job_Title)-6))='Manager' 

B. where upcase(scan(Job_Title,-1,' '))='MANAGER' 

C. where Job_Title='% Manager ' 

D. where Job_Title like '%Manager%' 


Q101. The following SAS program is submitted: 

footnote 1 ‘Sales Report for Last Month’; 

footnote2 ‘Selected Products Only’; 

footnote3 ‘All Regions’; 

footnote4 ‘All Figures in Thousands of Dollars’; 

proc print data = sasuser.shoes; 

footnote2 ‘All Products’; 


Which footnote(s) is/are displayed in the report? 

A. All Products 

B. Sales Report for Last Month All Products 

C. All Products All Regions All Figures in Thousands of Dollars 

D. Sales Report for Last Month All Products All Regions All Figures in Thousands of Dollars 


Q102. Given the contents of the raw data file 'EMPLOYEE.TXT' 

Which SAS informat correctly completes the program? 

A. date9 

B. mmddyy10 

C. ddmmyy10 

D. mondayyr10 


Q103. Given the following raw data records: 

The following output is desired: 

Which SAS program correctly reads in the raw data? 

A. Option A 

B. Option B 

C. Option C 

D. Option D 


Q104. The following SAS program is submitted: 

proc contents data = sasuser.airplanes; 


Which one of the following is produced as output? 

A. the data portion of every data set in the SASUSER library 

B. the data portion of the data set SASUSER.AIRPLANES only 

C. the descriptor portion of every data set in the SASUSER library 

D. the descriptor portion of the data set SASUSER.AIRPLANES only 
