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Q9. The following SAS program is submitted: proc contents data = sashelp.class varnum; quit; 

What does the VARNUM option print? 

A. a list of variable names 

B. the total number of variables 

C. a list of the variables in alphabetic order 

D. a list of the variables in the order they were created 


Q10. The following code was modified to generate the results further below: 

proc format; 

value agegrp 

low-12 ='Pre-Teen' 

13-high = 'Teen' 


proc means data=SASHELP.CLASS; 

var Height; 

class Sex Age; 

format Age agegrp.; 


The following results were generated to display only specific statistics and limit the decimals with the modification: Which statement below was modified or added to generate the results above: 

A. var Height / nobs min max mean maxdec=1; 

B. proc means data=SASHELP.CLASS maxdec=1 ; 

C. proc means data=SASHELP.CLASS min max mean maxdec=1; 

D. output nobs min max mean maxdec=1; 


Q11. The SAS data set Fed.Banks contains a variable Open_Date which has been assigned a permanent label of "Open Date". Which SAS program temporarily replaces the label "Open Date" with the label "Starting Date" in the output? 

A. proc print data=SASUSER.HOUSES label; 

label Open_Date "Starting Date"; 


B. proc print data=SASUSER.HOUSES label; 

label Open_Date="Starting Date"; 


C. proc print data=SASUSER.HOUSES; 

label Open_Date="Starting Date"; 


D. proc print data=SASUSER.HOUSES; 

Open_Date="Starting Date"; 



Q12. Consider the following data step: 

In filtering the values of the variable X in data set WORK.OLD, what value new value would be assigned to X if its original value was a missing value? 

A. X would get a value of 1. 

B. X would get a value of 3. 

C. X would retain its original value of missing. 

D. This step does not run because of syntax errors. 


Q13. The following output is created by the FREQUENCY procedure: 

Which TABLES statement was used to completed the following program that produced the output? 

proc freq data=sales; 



A. tables region product; 

B. tables region,product 

C. tables region/product; 

D. tables region*product; 


Q14. The following SAS program is submitted: 

data work.passengers; if OrigPassengers = then OrigPassengers = 100; TransPassengers = 100; OrigPassengers = TotalPassengers = sum (OrigPassengers, TransPassengers) +0; run; 

What is the value of the TOTALPASSENGERS variable in the output data set? 

A. 0 

B. 100 

C. 200 

D. (missing numeric value) 


Q15. The following SAS program is submitted: 

data work.totalsales; 

set work.monthlysales(keep = year product sales); 

retain monthsales {12} ; 

array monthsales {12} ; 

do i = 1 to 12; 

monthsales{i} = sales; 


cnt + 1; 

monthsales{cnt} = sales; 


The data set named WORK.MONTHLYSALES has one observation per month for each of five years for a total of 60 observations. 

Which one of the following is the result of the above program? 

A. The program fails execution due to data errors. 

B. The program fails execution due to syntax errors. 

C. The program runs with warnings and creates the WORK.TOTALSALES data set with 60 observations. 

D. The program runs without errors or warnings and creates the WORK.TOTALSALES data set with 60 observations 


Q16. The SAS data set BANKS is listed below: 


name rate 

FirstCapital 0.0718 

DirectBank 0.0721 

VirtualDirect 0.0728 

The following SAS program is submitted: 

data newbank; 

do year = 1 to 3; 

set banks; 

capital + 5000; 



Which one of the following represents how many observations and variables will exist in the SAS data set NEWBANK? 

A. 0 observations and 0 variables 

B. 1 observations and 4 variables 

C. 3 observations and 3 variables 

D. 9 observations and 2 variables 
