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Q73. The following SAS program is submitted: 


set old; put sales 1 sales2; 


Where is the output written? 

A. to the SAS log 

B. to the SAS data set _NULL_ 

C. to the SAS output window or to an output file 

D. to the raw data file that was most recently opened 


Q74. The following SAS program is submitted: 

libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library' 

data test; 

set sasdata.chemists; 

if jobcode = 'chem3' 

then description = 'Senior Chemist' 

else description = 'Unknown' 


A value for the variable JOBCODE is listed below: 



Which one of the following values does the variable DESCRIPTION contain? 

A. chem3 

B. Unknown 

C. Senior Chemist 

D. ' ' (missing character value) 


Q75. The following SAS program is submitted: 

What new variables are created? 

A. Difcount1, Difcount2 and Difcount3 

B. Diff1, Diff2 and Diff3 

C. Janpt, Febpt, and Marpt 

D. Patients1, Patients2 and Patients3 


Q76. Given the SAS data set WORK.ORDERS: 

The variable order_id is numeric; customer is character; and shipped is numeric, contains a SAS date value, and is shown with the DATE9. format. A programmer would like to create a new variable, ship_note, that shows a character value with the order_id, shipped date, and customer name. For example, given the first observation ship_note would have the value "Order 9341 shipped on 02FEB2009 to Josh Martin". 

Which of the following statement will correctly create the value and assign it to ship_note? 

A. ship_note=catx(' ','Order',order_id,'shipped on',input(shipped,date9.),'to',customer); 

B. ship_note=catx(' ','Order',order_id,'shipped on',char(shipped,date9.),'to',customer); 

C. ship_note=catx(' ','Order',order_id,'shipped on',transwrd(shipped,date9.),'to',customer); 

D. ship_note=catx(' ','Order',order_id,'shipped on',put(shipped,date9.),'to',customer); 


Q77. Which statement correctly computes the average of four numerical values? 

A. average = mean(num1, num4); 

B. average = mean(num1 - num4); 

C. average = mean(ofnum1 - num4) 

D. average = mean(num1 num2 num3 num4); 


Q78. The following SAS program is submitted: 

libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library' 

data test; 

set sasdata.chemists (keep = job_code); 

if job_code = 'chem3' 

then description = 'Senior Chemist' 


The variable JOB_CODE is a character variable with a length of 6 bytes. 

Which one of the following is the length of the variable DESCRIPTION in the output data set? 

A. 6 bytes 

B. 8 bytes 

C. 14 bytes 

D. 200 bytes 


Q79. Given the following code: 

proc print data=SASHELP.CLASS(firstobs=5 obs=15); 

where Sex='M' 


How many observations will be displayed? 

A. 11 

B. 15 

C. 10 or fewer 

D. 11 or fewer 


Q80. Which program displays a listing of all data sets in the SASUSER library? 

A. proc contents lib = sasuser.all; run; 

B. proc contents data = sasuser.all; run; 

C. proc contents lib = sasuser._alI_; run; 

D. proc contents data = sasuser._all_; run; 
