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Q73. The following SAS program is submitted: 

options yearcutoff = 1950; 

%macro y2kopt(date); 

%if &date >= 14610 %then %do; 

options yearcutoff = 2000; 


%else %do; 

options yearcutoff = 1900; 



data _null_ ; 

date = "01jan2000"d; 

call symput("date",left(date)); 



The SAS date for January 1, 2000 is 14610 and the SAS system option for 

YEARCUTOFF is set to 1920 prior to submitting the above program. 

Which one of the following is the value of YEARCUTOFF when the macro finishes execution? 

A. 1900 

B. 1920 

C. 1950 

D. 2000 


Q74. The following SAS program is submitted: 

data temp; 

array points{3,2}_temporary_ (10,20,30,40,50,60); 

score = points{2,1} 


Which one of the following is the value of the variable SCORE in the data set TEMP? 

A. 10 

B. 20 

C. 30 

D. 40 


Q75. Which one of the following should be avoided when creating and using an SQL procedure view? 

A. using a HAVING clause 

B. using summary functions 

C. referencing a view multiple times in the same program 

D. creating views on tables whose structures remain constant 


Q76. Which one of the following is an advantage of creating and using a SAS DATA step view? 

A. It can store an index. 

B. It always accesses the most current data. 

C. It works quickly through multiple passes of the data. 

D. It is useful when the underlying data file structure changes. 


Q77. The following SAS program is submitted: 

%let first=yourname; 

%let last=first; 

%put &&&last; 

What is written to the SAS Log? 

A. First 

B. Yourname 

C. &&First 

D. &yourname 


Q78. The following SAS program is submitted: 

%let value = .5; 

%let add = 5; 

%let newval = %eval(&value + &add); 

Which one of the following is the resulting value of the macro variable NEWVAL? 

A. 5 

B. 5.5 

C. .5 + 5 

D. null 


Q79. Which one of the following options controls the pagesize of a SAS data set? 




