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Q57. Given the following SAS program:
proc sql;
select product, type, sum(sales) as revenue
from one
group by product, type;
Which one of the following clauses should be added to the program to sort the output by PRODUCT and decreasing REVENUE?
A. order by 1, 3
B. order by 1, 3 desc
C. orderby product, revenue desc
D. order by product, desc revenue
Answer: B
Q58. Given the following SAS data sets ONE and TWO:
1 A 2 X
2 B 3 Y
4 D 5 V
The following SAS program is submitted creating the output table THREE:
data three;
set one two;
1 A
2 B
4 D
2 X
3 Y
5 V
Which one of the following SQL programs creates an equivalent SAS data set THREE?
A. proc sql;
create table three as
select *
from one
outer union corr
select *
from two;
B. proc sql;
create table three as
select *
from one
outer union
select *
from two;
C. proc sql;
create table three as
select *
from one
outer union
select * quit;
D. proc sql;
create table three as
select *
from one
union corr
select *
from two;
Answer: A
Q59. Given the data set SASHELP.CLASS:
Mary 15
Philip 16
Robert 12
Ronald 15
The following SAS program is submitted:
%let value = Philip;
proc print data = sashelp.class;
<insert WHERE statement here>
Which WHERE statement successfully completes the program and procedures a report?
A. Where upcase(name)=%upcase(&value);
B. Where upcase(name)="upcase(&value)";
C. Where upcase(name)=upcase(&value);
D. Where upcase(name)="%upcase(&value)";
Answer: D
Q60. The following SAS program is submitted:
options mprint;
%macro test(parm);
proc &parm data = sashelp.prdsale;
What is the result of the MPRINT options?
A. It has no effect in this example
B. It writes the original program code inside the marco definition to the SAS log
C. It writes macro execution messages to the SAS.log
D. It echoes the text sent to the SAS compiler as a result of macro execution in the SAS log
Answer: D
Q61. The following SAS program is submitted:
data new (bufnp=4); set old(bufno=4); run;
Why are the BUFNO options used?
A. To reduce the number I/O operations
B. To reduce network traffic
C. To reduce memory usage
D. To reduce the amount of data read
Answer: A
Q62. The following SAS program is submitted:
Data sasuser.history;
Set sasuser.history(keep=state x y
Rename = (state=ST));
The SAS data set SASUSER.HISTORY has an index on the variable STATE.
Which describes the result of submitting the SAS program?
A. The index on STATE is deleted and an index on ST is created
B. The index on STATE is recreated as an index on ST
C. The index on STATE is deleted
D. The index on STATE is updated as an index on ST
Answer: C
Q63. The following SAS program is submitted:
%macro one(input);
%put the value is &date;
%macro two;
data _null_;
call symput('date','12SEP2008');
%let date=31DEC2006;
What is the result when the %PUT statement executes?
A. A macro variable DATE with the value 12SEP2008 is retrieved from the local symbol table for the ONE macro
B. A macro variable DATE with the value 12SEP2008 is retrieved from the local symbol table for theTWOmacro
C. A macro variable DATE with the value 12SEP2008 is retrieved from the global symbol table
D. A macro variable DATE with the value 31DEC2006 is retrieved from the global symbol table
Answer: C
Q64. Given the following SAS statement:
%let idcode = Prod567;
Which one of the following statements stores the value 567 in the macro variable CODENUM?
A. %let codenum = substr(&idcode,length(&idcode)-2);
B. %let codenum = substr(&idcode,length(&idcode)-3);
C. %let codenum = %substr(&idcode,%length(&idcode)-2);
D. %let codenum = %substr(&idcode,%length(&idcode)-3);
Answer: C