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2021 Nov CAS-002 latest exam

Q31. - (Topic 1) 

After being notified of an issue with the online shopping cart, where customers are able to arbitrarily change the price of listed items, a programmer analyzes the following piece of code used by a web based shopping cart. 


The programmer found that every time a user adds an item to the cart, a temporary file is created on the web server /tmp directory. The temporary file has a name which is generated by concatenating the content of the $USERINPUT variable and a timestamp in the form of MM-DD-YYYY, (e.g. smartphone-12-25-2013.tmp) containing the price of the item being purchased. Which of the following is MOST likely being exploited to manipulate the price of a shopping cart’s items? 

A. Input validation 

B. SQL injection 


D. Session hijacking 


Q32. - (Topic 4) 

In order to reduce costs and improve employee satisfaction, a large corporation is creating a BYOD policy. It will allow access to email and remote connections to the corporate enterprise from personal devices; provided they are on an approved device list. Which of the following security measures would be MOST effective in securing the enterprise under the new policy? (Select TWO). 

A. Provide free email software for personal devices. 

B. Encrypt data in transit for remote access. 

C. Require smart card authentication for all devices 

D. Implement NAC to limit insecure devices access. 

E. Enable time of day restrictions for personal devices. 

Answer: B,D 

Q33. - (Topic 1) 

The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at a company knows that many users store business documents on public cloud-based storage, and realizes this is a risk to the company. In response, the CISO implements a mandatory training course in which all employees are instructed on the proper use of cloud-based storage. Which of the following risk strategies did the CISO implement? 

A. Avoid 

B. Accept 

C. Mitigate 

D. Transfer 


Q34. - (Topic 2) 

A user is suspected of engaging in potentially illegal activities. Law enforcement has requested that the user continue to operate on the network as normal. However, they would like to have a copy of any communications from the user involving certain key terms. Additionally, the law enforcement agency has requested that the user's ongoing communication be retained in the user's account for future investigations. Which of the following will BEST meet the goals of law enforcement? 

A. Begin a chain-of-custody on for the user's communication. Next, place a legal hold on the user's email account. 

B. Perform an e-discover using the applicable search terms. Next, back up the user's email for a future investigation. 

C. Place a legal hold on the user's email account. Next, perform e-discovery searches to collect applicable emails. 

D. Perform a back up of the user's email account. Next, export the applicable emails that match the search terms. 


Q35. - (Topic 2) 

A system worth $100,000 has an exposure factor of eight percent and an ARO of four. Which of the following figures is the system’s SLE? 

A. $2,000 

B. $8,000 

C. $12,000 

D. $32,000 


Far out CAS-002 book:

Q36. - (Topic 3) 

At 10:35 a.m. a malicious user was able to obtain a valid authentication token which allowed read/write access to the backend database of a financial company. At 10:45 a.m. the security administrator received multiple alerts from the company’s statistical anomaly-based IDS about a company database administrator performing unusual transactions. At 

10:55 a.m. the security administrator resets the database administrator’s password. 

At 11:00 a.m. the security administrator is still receiving alerts from the IDS about unusual transactions from the same user. Which of the following is MOST likely the cause of the alerts? 

A. The IDS logs are compromised. 

B. The new password was compromised. 

C. An input validation error has occurred. 

D. A race condition has occurred. 


Q37. - (Topic 1) 

A security administrator wants to prevent sensitive data residing on corporate laptops and desktops from leaking outside of the corporate network. The company has already implemented full-disk encryption and has disabled all peripheral devices on its desktops and laptops. Which of the following additional controls MUST be implemented to minimize the risk of data leakage? (Select TWO). 

A. A full-system backup should be implemented to a third-party provider with strong encryption for data in transit. 

B. A DLP gateway should be installed at the company border. 

C. Strong authentication should be implemented via external biometric devices. 

D. Full-tunnel VPN should be required for all network communication. 

E. Full-drive file hashing should be implemented with hashes stored on separate storage. 

F. Split-tunnel VPN should be enforced when transferring sensitive data. 

Answer: B,D 

Q38. - (Topic 1) 

A security administrator was doing a packet capture and noticed a system communicating with an unauthorized address within the 2001::/32 prefix. The network administrator confirms there is no IPv6 routing into or out of the network. Which of the following is the BEST course of action? 

A. Investigate the network traffic and block UDP port 3544 at the firewall 

B. Remove the system from the network and disable IPv6 at the router 

C. Locate and remove the unauthorized 6to4 relay from the network 

D. Disable the switch port and block the 2001::/32 traffic at the firewall 


Q39. - (Topic 5) 

A mature organization with legacy information systems has incorporated numerous new processes and dependencies to manage security as its networks and infrastructure are modernized. The Chief Information Office has become increasingly frustrated with frequent releases, stating that the organization needs everything to work completely, and the vendor should already have those desires built into the software product. The vendor has been in constant communication with personnel and groups within the organization to understand its business process and capture new software requirements from users. Which of the following methods of software development is this organization’s configuration management process using? 

A. Agile 


C. Waterfall 

D. Joint application development 


Q40. - (Topic 5) 

The risk manager has requested a security solution that is centrally managed, can easily 

be updated, and protects end users' workstations from both known and unknown malicious attacks when connected to either the office or home network. Which of the following would BEST meet this requirement? 



C. Antivirus 


