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Q21. Which of the following is a security feature of Global Systems for Mobile Communications (GSM)? 

A. It uses a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) for authentication. 

B. It uses encrypting techniques for all communications. 

C. The radio spectrum is divided with multiple frequency carriers. 

D. The signal is difficult to read as it provides end-to-end encryption. 


Q22. What is the MAIN feature that onion routing networks offer? 

A. Non-repudiation 

B. Traceability 

C. Anonymity 

D. Resilience 


Q23. Contingency plan exercises are intended to do which of the following? 

A. Train personnel in roles and responsibilities 

B. Validate service level agreements 

C. Train maintenance personnel 

D. Validate operation metrics 


Q24. The 802.1x standard provides a framework for what? 

A. Network authentication for only wireless networks 

B. Network authentication for wired and wireless networks 

C. Wireless encryption using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 

D. Wireless network encryption using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 


Q25. Following the completion of a network security assessment, which of the following can BEST be demonstrated? 

A. The effectiveness of controls can be accurately measured 

B. A penetration test of the network will fail 

C. The network is compliant to industry standards 

D. All unpatched vulnerabilities have been identified 


Q26. What is the ultimate objective of information classification? 

A. To assign responsibility for mitigating the risk to vulnerable systems 

B. To ensure that information assets receive an appropriate level of protection 

C. To recognize that the value of any item of information may change over time 

D. To recognize the optimal number of classification categories and the benefits to be gained from their use 


Q27. Which of the following MUST be done when promoting a security awareness program to senior management? 

A. Show the need for security; identify the message and the audience 

B. Ensure that the security presentation is designed to be all-inclusive 

C. Notify them that their compliance is mandatory 

D. Explain how hackers have enhanced information security 


Q28. the information below to answer the question. 

A large organization uses unique identifiers and requires them at the start of every system session. Application access is based on job classification. The organization is subject to periodic independent reviews of access controls and violations. The organization uses wired and wireless networks and remote access. The organization also uses secure connections to branch offices and secure backup and recovery strategies for selected information and processes. 

Which of the following BEST describes the access control methodology used? 

A. Least privilege 

B. Lattice Based Access Control (LBAC) 

C. Role Based Access Control (RBAC) 

D. Lightweight Directory Access Control (LDAP) 


Q29. Which of the following statements is TRUE for point-to-point microwave transmissions? 

A. They are not subject to interception due to encryption. 

B. Interception only depends on signal strength. 

C. They are too highly multiplexed for meaningful interception. 

D. They are subject to interception by an antenna within proximity. 


Q30. Which of the following does Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) support? 

A. Multicast and broadcast messages 

B. Coordination of IEEE 802.11 protocols 

C. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) systems 

D. Synchronization of.multiple devices 
