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Q97. A company has five Windows servers that are dual-attached, four Linux servers that are single attached, and ten dual-attached Solaris servers. The company wants a highly available architecture. A dual controller FAS3100 series with all onboard FC ports connected to the fabric is being proposed. What is the total number of FC ports and what type of fabric should be deployed from the choices shown?
A. single fabric with 38 ports total
B. dual fabrics with 38 ports total
C. dual fabrics with 42 ports total
D. single fabric with 42 ports total
Answer: C
Q98. In Data ONTAP, the root user is exempt from these two quotas: _______. (Choose two.)
A. file quotas
B. group quotas
C. root quotas
D. tree quotas
E. user quotas
Answer: BE
Q99. The OSSV agent on the primary system listens to TCP port 10000 for all SnapVault communications.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Q100. Each storage system in a cluster must have network access to the __________.
A. Internet
B. cluster partner
C. same administration
D. host same collection of subnets
Answer: D
Q101. Is NetApp storage Encryption supported in Data ONTAP 8.1.1 Cluster-Mode?
A. No, but you can file a PVR to request support.
B. No. it is targeted for a future release of Data ONATP.
C. Yes, only with a special license installed.
D. Yes, it has been supported since 8.0.1.
Answer: B
Q102. Which two are Data ONTAP commands for displaying performance information? (Choose two.)
A. nfsstat
B. perfstat
C. sio_ntap_soll
D. sysstat
Answer: AD
Q103. Which command disables client access to Snapshot copies on a volume called flexvoll?
A. cifs shares –change flxvoll –nosnap
B. snap access flexvoll off
C. vol options flexvoll nonsnapdir on
D. vol options flexvoll snapdir off
E. vol options flexvoll snapdir on
Answer: C
Q104. When using SnapRestore to restore a single LUN, the LUN must be ___________.
A. exported and accessible
B. mapped to a Windows server
C. mounted on a host
D. taken offline or unmapped
Answer: D