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Q313. Project Risk Management includes all of the following processes except ______________.

A. Risk Quantification

B. Identify Risks

C. Risk Analysis

D. Risk Response Development

Answer: C

Q314. If a project with a CPI of 0.8, what you tell?

A. The project is consuming more resources than anticipated.

B. The project is using fewer resources than anticipated.

C. The project is falling behind.

D. The project is running ahead of schedule.

Answer: A

Q315. Which of the following is an output of Define Scope?


B. Project Scope statement

C. WBS Template

D. Constraints

Answer: B

Q316. Cost of quality includes ___________.

A. Cost of all work to build a product or service that conforms to the requirements

B. Training programs

C. Cost of all work resulting from non-conformance to the requirements

D. Al1 of the above

Answer: D

Q317. ___________ coordinates people and other resources to carry out the plan.

A. Work Breakdown Structure

B. Resource planning

C. Resource leveling

D. Executing process

Answer: D

Q318. You are the project manager of a project. The project plan has been developed. A project end date has been established. The customer later requesters additional work to be included in the project, but will not renegotiate the end date. Cost is not a factor. What should the project team do immediately?

A. Invoke the change control process

B. Initiate contingency plans

C. Modify the original project scope to include the additional work

D. Commit to original project scope and open a new project to handle additional work

Answer: A

Q319. A structured tool, usually industry or activity specific, used to verify that a set of required steps has been performed is called _________.

A. Quality Policy

B. check List

C. Trenc' Analysis

D. Paieto Diagram

Answer: B

Q320. Which of the following are not functions of the project kick off meeting?

A. Identifying project goals

B. Obtaining commitment

C. Presenting the project cost

D. Introducing the stakeholders

Answer: C