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Q25. There are seven risk responses, a project manager can use to address risk events. Which one of the following is a risk response that is appropriate for positive or negative risk events depending on the scenario in the project?
A. Avoidance
B. Acceptance
C. Sharing
D. Transference
Answer: B
Q26. You are interviewing members of a project team to test their understanding of the assigned risk responses as risk owners. You and the project manager are working together to evaluate the risk responses to determine their effectiveness in the project. What project management technique are you performing with the project manager in this scenario?
A. Risk audits
B. Stakeholder analysis as the project team is a stakeholder
C. Risk identification with the project team
D. Risk analysis
Answer: A
Q27. Which one of the following is the only output for the qualitative risk analysis process?
A. Enterprise environmental factors
B. Project management plan
C. Risk register updates
D. Organizational process assets
Answer: C
Q28. You are the project manager for your organization. You are working with your project team to
complete the qualitative risk analysis process. The first tool and technique you are using requires
that you assess the probability and what other characteristic of each identified risk in the project?
A. Impact
B. Risk owner
C. Cost
D. Risk category
Answer: A
Q29. Which positive risk response best describes a teaming agreement?
A. Share
B. Exploit
C. Enhance
D. Venture
Answer: A
Q30. You are completing the qualitative risk analysis process with your project team and are relying on the risk management plan to help you determine the budget, schedule for risk management, and risk categories. You discover that the risk categories have not been created. When should the risk categories have been created?
A. Create work breakdown structure process
B. Plan risk management process
C. Risk identification process
D. Define scope process
Answer: B
Q31. You are the project manager of the NHH project for your company. You have completed the first round of risk management planning and have created four outputs of the risk response planning process. Which one of the following is NOT an output of the risk response planning?
A. Risk register updates
B. Organizational process assets updates
C. Project document updates
D. Risk-related contract decisions
Answer: B
Q32. Your organization has a project that is expected to last 20 months but the customer would really like the project completed in 18 months. You have worked on similar projects in the past and believe that you could fast track the project and reach the 18 month deadline. What increases when you fast track a project?
A. Resources
B. Costs
C. Communication
D. Risks
Answer: D