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Q65. Which of the following is a primary concern when configuring a shopping-cart system?
A. The initial connection cost
B. Compatibility with ODBC and ASP
C. Payment gateway support of SSL/TLS
D. Compatibility with the payment gateway
Answer: D
Q66. A customer living in Canada has purchased a product from a company in France. This product will be shipped to the customer. Which of the following might be levied on this transaction?
A. Tariff
B. Sales tax
C. Provincial tax
D. Value-added tax (VAT)
Answer: A
Q67. Which of the following are common elements of an e-commerce transaction system?
A. Order tracking and customer referrer programs
B. Credit card payments and online payment services
C. Automatic restocking of goods and currency conversion
D. Employee incentive plans and credit-card payment services
Answer: B
Q68. Customers use your company's software to receive real-time weather reports. One of the company's software developers has proposed creating a second application that installs at the same time as the weather software, but operates in the background and reports user preferences and other information to your company. What is the name for this type of application?
A. Daemon
B. Spyware
C. Freeware
D. Value-add
Answer: B
Q69. Which of the following is a messaging protocol designed to ensure the integrity of data sent between incompatible computers?
A. Electronic Data Interface
B. Electronic Data Interchange
C. Electronic Description Interface
D. Electronic Download Instruction
Answer: B
Q70. The details of an e-commerce site order can be kept in memory, stored on the visitor's computer or stored on the Web server. This ability to remember the details of an order is known as:
A. profiling an order.
B. tracking an order.
C. persisting an order.
D. filling the shopping cart.
Answer: C
Q71. A large company with an adequate staff and funding wants to implement an e-commerce storefront. Which of the following methods would be most suitable for this company?
A. Online solution
B. Offline solution
C. Instant storefront
D. In-house solution
Answer: D
Q72. Which of the following site creation models would be most appropriate for a site needing customer relationship management (CRM) and personalization?
A. Online instant storefront
B. Mid-level online instant storefront
C. Mid-level offline instant storefront
D. High-level offline instant storefront
Answer: D