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Q161. - (Topic 3) 

A project manager is finding that weekly team meetings are not well attended and those who do attend do not always contribute to the discussion. Which of the following identifies the BEST approach for the project manager to address these issues? 

A. Change meetings to every other week to accommodate busy schedules 

B. Meet individually with each team member to discuss their attendance and participation 

C. Develop a clearly defined agenda with opportunities for all to participate 

D. Invite additional stakeholders to participate in the weekly team meetings 


Q162. - (Topic 2) 

A project has lost critical project team members. Which of the following scheduling methods would be used to analyze the impact of this resource constraint? 






Q163. - (Topic 1) 

A project team has to implement a key part of their solution from an external vendor. After sending out an RFP, the team has narrowed the possible providers down to three. Which of the following should the project manager do NEXT? 

A. Hold a steering committee meeting to discuss the options 

B. Ask the project team to take a vote on the vendor 

C. Begin contract negotiations with the lowest offer 

D. Contact project stakeholders individually and discuss the RFP 


Q164. - (Topic 2) 

Which of the following tools should be used to analyze quality issues? (Select TWO). 

A. Risk register 

B. Pareto chart 

C. Histogram 

D. SWOT analysis 

E. RACI chart 

Answer: B,C 

Q165. - (Topic 1) 

The project team members have determined they need to procure hardware before they will be able to create a product to test. This activity sequencing was created using which of the following types of dependency? 

A. Mandatory 

B. External 

C. Discretionary 

D. Internal 


Q166. - (Topic 1) 

Which of the following would be found in a post-mortem analysis? (Select TWO). 

A. Lessons Learned 

B. Transition Plan 

C. Project sponsor signoff 

D. Maintenance responsibilities 

E. Reasons for early termination of the project 

Answer: A,E 

Q167. - (Topic 3) 

A project manager is leading a discovery session involving a quality problem discovered in the manufacturing process for a time-sensitive product. In an effort to expedite the process of resolving quality control issues the team would like to focus on improvements that would result in the greatest positive impact to the quality of the product. A data set has been collected over time and is ready for use by the project team. Which of the following graphical data tools would be MOST appropriate to help the project team achieve its stated goals? 

A. Pareto chart 

B. Delphi model 

C. Run chart 

D. Histogram 

E. Ishikawa diagram 


Q168. - (Topic 1) 

Please refer to the attached graphic and review the following task description. 

Which of the following is the project schedule critical path? 

A. A,E,F,B,G,H,D 

B. A,E,F,B,H,D 

C. A,G,H,D 

D. A,E,F,C,D 


Q169. - (Topic 3) 

Management would like to see a comparison of the budget control limits and cost baseline versus actual performance. Which of the following documents would be MOST likely to contain the information sought by management? 

A. Quality management plan 

B. Cost management plan 

C. Budgetary management plan 

D. Transition management plan 


Q170. - (Topic 2) 

Although a needed item can be made in-house, it has been determined that it will be procured. Since the scope is well-defined, which of the following procurement documents should be used and which contract type should result? 

A. Request for proposal, and cost plus contract 

B. Request for quote, and time and material contract 

C. Request for bid, and fixed price contract 

D. Request for information, and unit price contract 
