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Q329. You have been assigned to take over a project that is 60 percent complete according to the schedule. After evaluation, you find that the project is running far behind schedule, and that the project will probably take double the time originally estimated by the previous project manager.

However, the sponsor has been told that the project is on schedule. What is the BEST course of action you will take?

A. Add new resource to the project and complete the project on schedule.

B. Show your evaluation to sponsor.

C. Ask your senior manager to deal with this.

D. Turn the project back to the previous project manager.

Answer: B

Q330. Purchasing insurance is an example of __________.

A. Transfer

B. Acceptances

C. Mitigation

D. Contingency

Answer: A

Q331. Constraints do not include:

A. Impacts of weather

B. Organizational structure of the performing organization

C. Collective bargaining

D. Expected staff assignments

Answer: A

Q332. All of the following are outputs from Report Performance EXCEPT _________.

A. Trend analysis

B. "S" curves, histograms, bar charts, and tables

C. Performance reports

D. Change requests

Answer: A

Q333. The work that must be done in order to deliver a product with the specified features and functions is:

A. Project scope

B. Project verification

C. Project control

D. Product scope

Answer: A

Q334. Decomposition is ___________.

A. What happens when changes to the project scope are ignore

B. Subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller, more manageable components

C. Defining a general product description into more discrete definitions of individual components

D. Subdividing the project into logical divisions of effort aligned within the performing organization's functional areas

Answer: B

Q335. An input to the Control Scope process is ___________.

A. Work results

B. Work Performance information

C. Customer requirements

D. Product defects

Answer: B

Q336. Complete final contract performance reporting and verify product is done in _______.

A. Plan Procurements

B. Conduct Procurements

C. Administer Procurements

D. Close Procurements

Answer: D