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2021 Jan JK0-017 exam fees

Q231. During the execution of an assigned task the developer informs the project manager of a missing component. Which of the following should the project manager do next? 

A. Inform the sponsor and have the developer include it in the same task. 

B. Document the change and determine the impact of the modification. 

C. Add the task to the project plan and assign the task to the developer. 

D. Inform the sponsor that the change is out of scope. 


Q232. A project manager has analyzed work performance information and identified alarming variances in the project deliverable. Which of the following would be the BEST response for the project manager? 

A. Perform a qualitative risk assessment. 

B. Speak with the project sponsor about possible solutions. 

C. Approve a change request to correct the actions. 

D. Recommend corrective actions. 


Q233. Which of the following is a use for a Pareto diagram? 

A. In procurement management to evaluate vendor proposals. 

B. In cost management to determine actual versus expected project costs. 

C. In quality management to identify and prioritize problem areas. 

D. In risk management to assess potential project risk occurrences. 


Q234. The project has been terminated. Which of the following should be conducted with the project team before they are released? 

A. Case study 

B. Feasibility analysis 

C. Stakeholder analysis 

D. Post-mortem analysis 


Q235. Post-mortem analysis occurs in which of the following process groups? 

A. Closing 

B. Pre-project setup 

C. Monitoring / controlling 

D. Planning 


Latest JK0-017 actual exam:

Q236. A project sponsor has requested that weekly status updates are to be sent by email, detailing the schedule performance index (SPI) and schedule variance (SV) of the project. In which of the following documents should these requirements be included? 

A. Communications management plan 

B. Cost management plan 

C. Project charter 

D. Contract management plan 


Q237. Control limits would be found in which of the following plans? 

A. Procurement management plan 

B. Quality management plan 

C. Change management plan 

D. Scope management plan 


Q238. A project is approved in a series of stages. This is an example of: 

A. standards compliance. 

B. project version approval. 

C. stakeholder approval. 

D. phase gate approval. 


Q239. Which of the following is the purpose of a post-project review? 

A. Analyzes project performance 

B. Forms the control structure for the project 

C. Manages stakeholder expectations 

D. Identifies end products and intermediate deliverables 


Q240. In order to compare a current projects quality to that of a previously completed project, a project manager should use which of the following techniques? 

A. Process improvement 

B. Quality metrics 

C. Benchmarking 

D. Cost-benefit analysis 
