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Q31. - (Topic 2)
While doing scheduled network analysis, it has been determined that the project is forecasted to complete two weeks later than the target date. Which of the following could assist in bringing the forecast in line with the stakeholder expectations?
A. Replacing physical meetings with calls
B. Adjusting the estimates to best case
C. Minimizing the schedule buffer
D. Adding resources to the critical path
Answer: D
Q32. - (Topic 2)
Which of the following cost estimating techniques relies on the actual costs of previously completed projects that are similar in nature?
A. Bottom-up
B. Three-point
C. Analogous
D. Parametric
Answer: C
Q33. - (Topic 2)
Which of the following is the main purpose of a work breakdown structure?
A. To decompose the list of deliverables
B. To identify key stakeholders and their influence
C. To assign resources to activities
D. To determine total project duration
Answer: A
Q34. - (Topic 1)
Which of the following risk responses is taking place when there is a design change to reduce the scope of the product?
A. Transfer
B. Sharing
C. Acceptance
D. Avoidance
Answer: D
Q35. - (Topic 1)
In the planning phase of a project, which of the following activities is performed?
A. Solicitation
B. Perform a feasibility study
C. Appoint a project team
D. Project Charter
Answer: C
Q36. - (Topic 2)
A project requires the use of a commodity to manufacture a product for a customer. The schedule calls for the product to be delivered next year. A decrease in the supply of the commodity is expected to impact the project. Which of the following will MOST likely be affected?
A. Quality
B. Cost
C. Scope
D. Schedule
Answer: B
Q37. - (Topic 3)
A project manager is finalizing the WBS when the resource manager provides a list of project team members. Which of the following is the FIRST thing the project manager should do?
A. Obtain outsourcing approval
B. Conduct a kick-off meeting
C. Interview resources for skill sets
D. Assign resources to all tasks
Answer: C
Q38. - (Topic 2)
Which of the following includes validating the project charter and introducing key members of the team?
A. Kick-off meeting
B. Stakeholder register
C. Team-building event
D. Communications plan
Answer: A
Q39. - (Topic 1)
Resources in another country have reported that they are losing two to three hours of productive work time due to server reboots that are happening daily. Which of the following should the project manager take into account when seeking a solution to the issue?
A. Language barriers
B. Time zones
C. Project schedule
D. Work styles
Answer: B
Q40. - (Topic 2)
A project has been identified as requiring input from many different areas. The project is anticipated to take two years to complete. Which of the following will be MOST useful in tracking progress toward completion?
A. RACI matrix
B. Risk log
C. Transition plan
D. Phase closure
Answer: D