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Q57. The primary purpose of a Sprint Review is for the team to: 

A. Demonstrate what was accomplished during the sprint. 

B. Discuss what went well, whatdidn’t, and ways to improve. 

C. Prioritize and estimate stories planned for the next sprint. 

D. Individually provide status updates on user stories in progress. 


Q58. The best description of the purpose of the daily standup in Agile projects is to: 

A. Resolve the key issues and risks that are likely to hinder project progress. 

B. Provide insight and reassurance to the Product Owner to strengthen that relationship. 

C. Inform the project lead of project status for reporting to stakeholders. 

D. Raise the visibility of each person’s work and to ensure the work is integrated. 


Q59. According to the fundamental principles of Lean Management, errors result from: 

A. Inadequate user requirements and documentation. 

B. Misjudgment made by project teams and operations staff. 

C. Flaws in development and production systems. 

D. Insufficient management oversight of projects and operations. 


Q60. A common reason that a story may not be estimable is that the: 

A. team lacks domain knowledge. 

B. business needs are prioritized over the system design. 

C. developers do not understand the tasks related to the story. 

D. team has no experience in estimating. 


Q61. Which of the following best describes a core belief of Agile? 

A. The best customer feedback comes near the end of the project when there is working software to review. 

B. Project status can be gauged by frequently reviewing completed milestones as reflected in the plan. 

C. Working solutions are the most accurate way of seeing the progress of the effort. 

D. Unique skill sets are harnessed when team members play different roles on a project. 


Q62. What are the primary outputs of a release planning session? 

A. Release vision, assumptions, action items, and iteration goals 

B. Prioritized Product Backlog, risks, action items, and release goals 

C. Estimated iteration velocities, risks, action items, and Release Backlog 

D. Risks, action items, dependencies, and Release Backlog 


Q63. In the Lean process, the focus is on: 

A. Managing team efficiency. 

B. Optimizing completed work across the process stream. 

C. Using the optimal resources. 

D. Cross training the team to eliminate bottlenecks. 


Q64. In a Lean Software Development environment, the Project Leader strives to eliminate: 

A. Work in Process (WIP) and bugs. 

B. Delays and building what is not needed. 

C. Defects and features with low value stream values. 

D. Poor requirements and changing scope. 
