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Q9. What is one of the main benefits that Lean portfolio management provides to a business? 

A. Maximizing work-in-progress 

B. Quality and thoughtfulness 

C. Line of sight to business needs 

D. Maximizing multitasking 


Q10. A user story says that a product must be very fast. During the demo, the Product Owner is dissatisfied with the speed of the product. The most likely reason that this occurred is because the user story was: 

A. Too large. 

B. Not estimated correctly. 

C. Not testable. 

D. Not descriptive of the value. 


Q11. What is the role in an eXtreme Programming (XP) project that ensures the right project 

processes are applied? 

A. Domain Expert 

B. Product Owner 

C. ScrumMaster 

D. Coach 


Q12. The best approach to estimate the work on a project when using story points is to have: 

A. Team members assign estimates by averaging Planning Poker cards. 

B. The most senior team member prepare the estimates. 

C. Two or three senior team members estimate and take the average of their times. 

D. The team work together to agree on estimates in a group setting. 


Q13. When an Agile project team receives an “emergency request” during an iteration, which is the best first step that the Agile project manager should take? 

A. Stop work on unfinished user stories and work on the urgent request. 

B. Call a team meeting and change the iteration scope to include the request. 

C. Provide the customer with options provided by the project team. 

D. Explain that the team cannot do the added work until the next iteration. 


Q14. Refactoring, as it applies to the practice of extreme Programming (XP), refers to: 

A. Restructuring the estimate by applying a higher cost performance index during .°what if.± analysis. 

B. Modifying the project due to scope changes, resource availability, and cost and schedule variances. 

C. Modifying the cost baseline due to an increased estimate at completion and a negative cost variance. 

D. Restructuring of code so as to improve the code without changing its external behavior. 


Q15. Which of the following is a list of capabilities, features, and stories that the Product Owner has identified? 

A. Burndown chart 

B. Story card 

C. Vision document 

D. Backlog 


Q16. Which best describes the attributes of the IN VEST criteria in a user story? 

A. Incremental, Net, Variation, Exceed, Scope, and Training 

B. Interdependent, Nonfunctional, Value, Exploratory, Sprint, and Timebox 

C. Innovation, Nested, Vision, Estimating, Scalable, and Team 

D. Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, and Testable 
