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Q41. What is used to provide a simple medium for gathering basic information about stories, recording high-level requirements, developing work estimates, and defining acceptance tests?
A. Story card
B. Burndown chart
C. Retrospective
D. Storyboard
Answer: A
Q42. Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a rapid cycle of: A. Requirements, coding, and testing.
B. Testing, coding, and refactoring.
C. Testing, refactoring, and validation.
D. Requirements, coding, and refactoring.
Answer: B
Q43. eXtreme Programming (XP) teams strive to avoid:
A. Incremental design and architecture.
B. Pair programming.
C. Manual regression testing.
D. Test-Driven Development (TDD).
Answer: C
Q44. Which of the following techniques best encourages osmotic communication?
A. Reviewing requirements frequently with the Product Owner
B. Having the Product Owner attend daily standups
C. Inviting the customer to attend every iteration demo
D. Seating the team members together in a work area
Answer: D
Q45. A full cycle of design-code-verifyrelease practiced by extreme Programming (XP) teams is called:
A. Story
B. Timebox
C. Iteration
D. Burndown
Answer: C
Q46. On a particular project, product quality is being measured at regular intervals and is consistently below the acceptable level. In a Lean environment, how should this problem be addressed?
A. The team should implement more rigorous testing at the end of each development cycle.
B. Management should direct the team on specific actions that they should take to improve quality.
C. Management should guide the team as it seeks to improve itself and reduce errors in the system.
D. The Project Champion should review the acceptable quality threshold to ensure that it is realistic.
Answer: C
Q47. Following chart lists stories for a release of an Agile project; If the team completes Story A, Story B, and 50% of Story C for the first iteration, what is the team's velocity?
A. 9
B. 10
C. 12
D. 15
Answer: A
Q48. The most powerful capability of Scrum teams is that they:
A. Work in timeboxed sprints.
B. Are self-organized and empowered.
C. Work from a prioritized backlog.
D. Value individuals and interactions.
Answer: B