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2021 Nov PK0-003 exam answers

Q91. - (Topic 2) 

A project manager is in the process of developing a charter. The project manager is concerned about communicating with affected business groups. Which of the following needs to be done to ensure all necessary parties are engaged in the effort? 

A. Reviewing the work breakdown structure 

B. Identifying the stakeholders 

C. Developing the project baseline 

D. Drafting the change management plan 


Topic 3, Exam Set 3 

201. - (Topic 3) 

A sponsor decides to change hardware vendors right before the project launch, and does not inform the project team. Which of the following should the project manager do FIRST? 

A. Crash the schedule 

B. Perform impact analysis 

C. Schedule a meeting 

D. Review the Pareto chart 


Q92. - (Topic 3) 

Which of the following would be a reason for an organization to make rather than buy a required product? 

A. Increased quality control 

B. Reduced internal resource usage 

C. Limited manufacturing capacity 

D. Exploitation of supplier’s core competencies 


Q93. - (Topic 1) 

A project manager has been presented a set of documents containing why a project is needed, how it fits in with the company objectives, and the revenue that will be generated by the product. Which of the following has the project manager just received? 

A. A business case 

B. A charter 

C. Key project deliverables 

D. Project objectives 


Q94. - (Topic 1) 

Which of the following actions can be used to ensure the quality of project deliverables? 

A. Analyzing performance information 

B. Ensuring all vendors are ISO certified 

C. Updating the risk register 

D. A concise statement of work 


Q95. - (Topic 2) 

Which of the following is the MOST common way to visually represent a WBS? 

A. Pareto chart 

B. SWOT chart 

C. Gantt chart 

D. PERT chart 


Updated PK0-003 practice exam:

Q96. - (Topic 2) 

Which of the following describes a WBS? 

A. A schedule-oriented decomposition of the project work 

B. A deliverable-oriented decomposition of the project work 

C. An action-oriented decomposition of the project work 

D. An owner-oriented decomposition of the project work 


Q97. - (Topic 3) 

A project manager is considering crashing the project schedule to bring the project back on schedule. Which of the following should be considered? (Select TWO). 

A. The cost baseline will need to be updated 

B. The critical path may change 

C. The scope will decrease 

D. The project SPI will remain unchanged 

E. Costs will increase 

Answer: B,E 

Q98. - (Topic 2) 

A project requires the use of a commodity to manufacture a product for a customer. The schedule calls for the product to be delivered next year. A decrease in the supply of the commodity is expected to impact the project. Which of the following will MOST likely be affected? 

A. Quality 

B. Cost 

C. Scope 

D. Schedule 


Q99. - (Topic 1) 

An active project has an EV of 50,000, an AC of 45,000, and a PV of 50,000. Which of the following represents the current project CPI? 

A. .9 

B. 1 

C. 1.1 

D. 5000 


Q100. - (Topic 3) 

Which of the following entities is MOST likely tasked with reviewing and approving variances to project scope? 

A. Change Control Board 

B. Audit Committee 

C. Project Management Office 

D. Quality Assurance Team 
